The Hero I Admire Most | Teen Ink

The Hero I Admire Most

May 18, 2014
By AudreyN SILVER, El Paso, Texas
AudreyN SILVER, El Paso, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The hero that I admire the most is Perry the Platypus because he is a platypus but he is also a secret agent. He fights battles everyday with his number one enemy Dr. Doofenshmirtz. Perry is a house pet to the Flynn Fletcher family but mostly to Phineas and Ferb. Everyone says that Perry’s a platypus he doesn’t do much but what they don’t know it that he is much more than just a platypus. Perry is like James bond because his boss Major Monogram loves him and he is just the best agent the agency has.
Perry saves his family practically every single mission because when he fights Dr. Doofenshmirtz somehow all the inventions he creates end up doing damage to his family, town or whole world. He loves his family very much and will do anything to save them even if that means showing his family that he is a secret agent. He has secret compartment all over the world so he and other secret agents can get to the secret base underground and talk to either carl the inter or Major Monogram. If the mission is too much for Perry other agent come help him or his family will help him without even knowing they helped him.
Perry and Dr. Doofenshmirtz have a love hate relationship. They both may hate each other but at the end they both can’t live without each other. He doesn’t talk because he is a platypus but somehow people know what he says even when he is just looking at them. To me Perry is an outstanding superhero and loves what he does. That is why Perry the platypus is my hero that I admire the most.

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Tulsi said...
on Dec. 3 2015 at 8:16 am
It is really nice and I can say that this is very true that failure is first step to success