Should Kids Play Video Games? | Teen Ink

Should Kids Play Video Games?

May 26, 2014
By Erick_RDZ BRONZE, Austin, Texas
Erick_RDZ BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Should Kids Play Video Games?

Video games have helped me keep track of more things at the same time. When I first started to play Modern Combat 4 (it is like Call of Duty) other players would kill me because, I wouldn’t see them. Now that I have more time playing I can keep track of about 4 players at the same time. I think video games can help you with your skills.

Scientist say that video games can help you with you with your visual skills. Students were tested by scientist on what would happen after playing video games. After playing for about 6 weeks/months the students had better visual skills. “Gamers are better at distinguishing between different levels of gray, like when driving in fog than non-gamers.”

In another study, gamers were tested if they could pick out camouflaged objects from a cluttered environment. It turned out that they could pick them out faster than non-gamers. After testing out several gamers, scientist said that “gamers can keep track of more things at the same time than non-gamers.”

Video games can also teach specific knowledge and skills. “People that play video games have positive outcomes, such as increased persistence at difficult tasks.” When you are on a level that you can’t pass you keep trying until you pass it. Also, like when you don’t a problem, you try until you understand it.

Have you ever heard of something on the radio or T.V. that you want to learn more about? Well, video games can make you want to read books or enhance reading skills too. “Because kids are so interested in the game, they often end up reading at a level above their grade.” A scientist saw that his 8 year old boy started checking out mythology books after playing a game called “Age of Mythology.”

If your parents don’t agree that video games are good for you, you should show them these reasons why video games are good. They help you with your visual skills, knowledge, and make you want to read books.

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