Teen Suicide | Teen Ink

Teen Suicide

May 23, 2014
By Anonymous

On March 9, 2012 a 14 year old girl committed suicide because eight grade girls bullied her for two year. Her brother found her dangling from her ceiling fan breathless. Her name was Eden Wormer. Washington D.C has notice twenty suicide cases this year already and we are only in the mouth of May. The leads of suicide cause suicide rates that are about thirty-thousand people die a year. Suicide is one of the highest risks of death in teenagers today. Suicide is known as the third risk of death from ages ten through twenty-four. Most of the suicide happens to male victims. Male mostly succeed Suicide because males are known for using guns and hanging themselves. Female victims are known for cutting there wrests and using drugs to OD or over dose. Teen suicide rates is on the rise because lack of respect for social media and peer pressure. (Barker)

Lack of respect for social media is disappointing. Teenagers often expose themselves to boy or girl friends. What teenagers lack to notice is when they press send their privacy is no longer there. Once teenagers discover their privacy is out to the world they tend to shut themselves out the world and are clueless on what to do. Their peers can be cruel and careless about the person whose expose (Guerra). This act leads young teens to give up on life and commit to being what they think is nothing or they are an outcast to their peers. Laughter of the peers to the young teen gets in the teens head and they shut down like a broken robot. Eventually pain builds up inside which can be depression. When teens get depressed they tend to show signs to see if any bone is paying attention. Pretty much it’s there call for help. Lack of respect for social media isn’t all why teenagers are driving to suicide, peer pressure is another.
Peer pressure is major things that can make a teenager commit suicide. Also of peer pressure comes from friends or boyfriends and girlfriends. Some pressure comes from parents when they pressure you to get good grades or play this sport. Friends pressure you to go out with this person or go to this party. And if there the bad friends that influence you to do bad things they peer pressure you to do drugs and drink alcohol. Boyfriends and girlfriends influence you to have sex when you’re not ready. The teens then grow a fear to say no or they would be what they think is losers. If teenagers are pressured to hard the teen will stress and commit suicide or attempt. Teenagers have an anxiety to be accepted in life. Willing to do anything to feel accepted the teen will literally do anything. Teenagers lack common since for social media. Teenagers will go out their great life their parents try to give them to be perfect. Teens don’t appreciate thing in life until they commit suicide and there dead and gone.

It is teen fault that they abuse social media not the companies of social media. Social media’s does a very good job at trying to keep teenagers safe. Also teenagers don’t treat wants supposed to be fun a crime. Teenagers bring bullying and the life of embarrassment to themselves. Teenager lack to realize that social media is suppose be fun not a source to lead to suicide. Parents try to blame the social media and sew but if their child was doing the right thing with social media instead of doing negative things with social media they wouldn’t be depressed or commit suicide. Adults blame the high technology for the crimes that go on in the world but if the human raise learn to use common sense and stop using social media for an accuse for their life problem the teen suicide rates would go down.

Lack of respect for social media and peer pressure are some of the reason teenagers suicide rates are skyrocketing. I also believe do to research that any type of way that can lead to suicide is absolutely curable. Treatment for suicide is not a problem. First you have to be able to identify your issue or have suicide thought. Be willing and open up to people you love and trust so you can tell them what you been going through. Tell friends, family and even teachers. Also for the people who are being told be open minded and have some sympathy for the person. My tip to teens trying to commit suicide is that life is too precious just for you to through it away. Just because you mad a small mistake in life doesn’t mean you have to kill yourself over it. Live life to the max and just have fun that your still here on this earth and walking as a living miracle.

The author's comments:
My article is about teen suicide rates being over bored

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