Same-Sex Marriage | Teen Ink

Same-Sex Marriage

May 23, 2014
By Areanna Martinez BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
Areanna Martinez BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Same-sex marriage should be legal in all states, it should not matter what sex you are to get married. Some people would say that it’s against God’s creation. But, God also wants us as his children to accept all people whether they are sinning or not. Gay marriage and gay people are showing up more like TV shows, commercials and other places. It is very likely that if you go to the store you would see a gay couple or person even if they don’t tell you. Nineteen states have already legalized gay marriage (procon); that total should be Fifty. I think it’s more of the people that are the same sex as the homosexuals that have a problem with same sex relationships. When you love someone it should not matter what sex you are? What should matter is the love you have for that person. Some homosexuals go through depression, bulling, harassment and many more. Homosexuals are human too, they have feelings too.

Why should it matter what sex you are to get married, you aren’t hurting anyone. Say you were a homosexual and you were in love. Wouldn’t you be mad if you could not get married because you like the same sex as you? Isn’t marriage about love, well it’s supposed to be but there is other religious people that have a problem with same-sex marriage.

Homosexuals are about 50% more likely to suffer from depression, (Matt Slick).

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