prostitution | Teen Ink


May 28, 2014
By AbbyJaimes BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
AbbyJaimes BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

While some countries are considering legalizing prostitution, others are trying to find ways to stop it from happening, because of many reasons including sexually transmitted diseases. Prostitution has been around since biblical times. It is inherently immoral and lowers many women's standards. Legalizing prostitution could promote the control of women by men.
It is true that, prostitution empowers the criminal underworld. For example, it can lead to murder and even drugs. These women take the risk of being beaten or raped by any stranger who purchases them. Women who prostitute themselves are very likely to be victims of severe partner violence, either by their pimps or any of their customers. Most of these women suffer sexual harassment, verbal abuse, stalking, rape, and even torture. none of these women seems to have chosen this lifestyle as a choice. They do it for money and have reasons behind it.

In addition, it is claimed that many wife's already have to worry about their husbands cheating, so legalizing prostitution would be immoral. In fact, if prostitution were legalized it would be a gift to all the pimps out there. It would also promote sex trafficking, and an unhealthy, unsanitary environment. Opponents also believe that legalizing prostitution can result in a higher rate of unmarried men, which goes back to the increase of men cheating on their wife. To add on to this, there would be an immense downfall to the American morality because this so-called "profession" is being stooped to the same level as to that of teachers, doctors, CEOs etc.

One cannot disregard that legalizing prostitution would increase tax revenue , but we all have to take in consideration how much these women suffer day to day. It is also argued that prostitution is a very victimless crime, or it would not be legal in 11 of Nevada's counties. Another way proponents want to get away with the legalization of prostitution is, by offering the government to tax it and make profit out of it for the "well-being" of the country. ( certainly adults would be allowed to make their own choices, but women's morality would still drop very low. Besides all these ideas, prostitution is not something decent to make a profit from.

In conclusion, prostitution is immorally wrong and could be a threat to society if it were to be legalized. The Dutch prostitution industry has a very high crime rate because of all these women being sexually and emotionally abused. as we as a nation decide, we could even more importantly be coming up with a plan to stop this cruel "job".

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