bullying | Teen Ink


May 31, 2014
By Anonymous

"bullying" why do you do it.Is it funny to you? Is it cool? well here's a reality check its not I lost a really close friend to bullying. Everyday she got called stupid ugly fat no good everyone told her stuff but yet she kept going until she couldn't take it anymore. The day I lost her was the worst day of my life. Imagine losing a friend like that to something as stupid as bullying. Would you like to be bullied? Would you like to be called fat ugly and all these names. I wouldn't think you would, so why do it to others. Do you think about their feelings? Do you stop and think why am I going to ruin their day or make it even worse you should be thinking how can I cheer him/her up how can I make their day, because you never know that one word you told them may be the reason you make them hate themselves put themselves down or bring down their self esteem. So the next time you see a person getting bullied stick up for them make them feel secure loved and important.

The author's comments:
I was inspired by the friend I lost

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