Pj's for Patients | Teen Ink

Pj's for Patients

December 5, 2014
By maria06 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
maria06 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Pj’s for Patients” by Athena Sofides is a passage about Athena getting pj’s for kids in the hospital with cancer.  Ever since she was young, she has wanted to wipe out cancer but knew she couldn’t become an oncological researcher at 10 years old.  She still had that drive in her to make a difference.  Athena had decided to combine her desire to combat cancer with her passion and love of crafts by creating “Athena’s Owl,”a little business to sell her handmade jewelry and crocheted hats.  A percentage of all her crafts went towards cancer patients and research.  She wanted to make more of an impact on kids’ lives and make them feel more welcomed since after all they usually have to leave there homes to get better treatment.  Athena has decided to make up the Pj’s for Patients organization, which helped collect cotton pajamas for pediatric cancer patients that are getting treatment away from home.  I personally feel that this is a great and inspirational story.  I hope that her business continues to expand and that more schools and people get involved.

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