Store Spying On You | Teen Ink

Store Spying On You

February 19, 2015
By David Burkhart BRONZE, Linden, Pennsylvania
David Burkhart BRONZE, Linden, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine being in your favorite store and your mug shot is captured and digitally filed without your consent. Creepy right, many stores across the U.S are trying to use these spying gadgets to increase their profit sales. Stores are using high tech gadgets to get our personal information to take advantage of us, and get into information that can hurt us. This is why stores should not be allowed to spy on you.
    To begin, with the technology stores have now they can get into information that can hurt us. For example, in thay say “ your mug shot can be captured and digitally filed without your knowledge or permission… if that info is not securely stored, it could be hacked.” You can see that stores are taking risks with our information like mug shots, transactions, and other footage that could be hacked. Some may argue that those cameras are used to catch robbers and thieves, but what is the point when retailers do not even get their own privacy.
    In addition, to all of the spying comes to a point where they take advantage of you. According to Attention Shoppers: you are being stalked it states” the more a businessman knows about you, the more easily it manipulate you… they might be able to text you a coupon…” They manipulate you by gathering information about you, then get into phone and text you a coupon for a store you might of been in. So we should ban these stores from getting into our privacy and phones.
    Next, stores invade our personal information too much. Like when says “ hidden cameras classify you by age, sex, and ethnicity…” Like really why do stores even need our bank account records? This lets you know that stores are way too greedy for their money. By stores getting into our bank account records; they take all the spying material to a whole new level.
    Finally, opponents argue that stores should be allowed to spy on you. They say that the spying is used to catch thieves, to increase their income, and to improve service. There is a weakness though. When stores use this spying it hurts people, like what happened to tons of people from K-mart, Sears, and Target. What happened was all all those people were hacked of their identities. Also, according to “ retailers want their own privacy”.
    When you weigh all the evidence, you can conclude that all of this spying should not be allowed. So now lets all stand up and stop this spying. If we stop this spying we will know we will get our privacy and we will not be hacked. We all know that our privacy is more important than a coupon that a store hacked into a phone, to give.

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This article has 1 comment.

Grim said...
on May. 29 2015 at 3:22 pm
Okay this is very reasonable. Straight to the point'n stuff.