Temporary | Teen Ink


March 13, 2015
By Kirsten123 BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
Kirsten123 BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

    Do you remember your first shot, heartbreak, or broken bone? Yes, the memory is this there but the pain is temporary. I believe everything is temporary. Maybe, the reason I believe this to be true is because I think it will make life easier, understandable, and a bit less heart-wrenching. The world is constantly changing and so are we. It’s is hard to believe that even we are temporary. Each of us can die at any moment yet we still live our lives planning for the future. I have learned to embrace life and not take anything for granted.

     I fall deeply in and out of love, knowing it will not last forever but enjoy it anyways.  The time with our loved ones will not last forever, so make every minute of it ever lasting and meaningful because forever is an empty promise. What you have now may be something others have been praying for. Hold on to those good moments; you never know how long they will last. Many loved ones can be taken from our precious little hands too easily. We all have seen this first hand after big tragedies like the Boston Bombing massacre. Lives were taken or forever changed after this occurrence. Some of those people will never be able to run a race ever again. Which is another thing we all take for granted, our health.

     Along with that I have learned friends will come and go. The friends you have now might not be the friends you have tomorrow. People outgrow each other and thats ok. Recently, after moving schools I realized I don’t have the same friends as I used to. Holding hands and swearing you’ll keep in touch, but never do. High School was the only thing keeping us together and after this year I’ll expect the same. But they say when one door shuts a new one will open leaving me with the opportunity to make new friends in college. 
     Speaking of opportunities why don’t we take them when they are given? Take risks, speak your mind and be bold! We can’t keep living our lives thinking there will be more tomorrows. putting things off to other days, months or years that aren’t guaranteed. If things are going badly, don’t worry, you know they can’t last forever. Dance like no one is watching, sing like no one is listening, love like it will never hurt, and live like everyday could be your last. Just because things are going bad doesn’t mean you can’t smile because remember, everything is temporary.

The author's comments:

I would always get upset about something that really wouldn't be inportant to me later on or get my hope up on something thats not going to last. I've learned to enjoy the good and make it last and forget about the bad because it wont last. Thats what really inspired me to write this piece.

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