Cleanses: The Pro | Teen Ink

Cleanses: The Pro

June 2, 2015
By Makayla` Davis BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
Makayla` Davis BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Cleanses are a new fad. Many know someone who has been on a detox or cleanse, hearing them say things like “Oh, I can’t eat that” or “I’m cleansing, sorry”. But people don’t realize that cleanses can help and make you feel great afterwards. Others don’t even know what cleanses are, they think it is only drinking water but there is more to it. A cleanse can show you the bad habits you once have made and can detoxify your body. Cleanses strengthen the immune system and improve skin. Another great benefit is cleanses help with aging both on the outside and inside.


Some people do not even understand what cleanses even are. The official term is a detox, what a detox does is flush out all of the toxins. A fast is when only you drink fluids; juices, and water, a no food “diet”. Many confuse a detox and a fast. A fast is when you only drink fluids, but they are bad for you because it causes ketosis; when the body doesn’t have carbohydrates to burn for energy and has to use stored fats instead. Yet a detox is there to help you clean and purify your body. You still eat and drink normally, only healthier with what you eat in mind. Among the many other mistakes, people make while on cleanses is sweating on the toxins. Sweat is made up of mostly water, 99%, while the other one percent is made up of salt, urea, carbohydrates and proteins. All you are sweating out is water and make you feel dehydrated not energized.  (


After a detox many people feel recharged, rejuvenated and renewed. The body has a new start because it no longer has all of the toxins that were invading it. When on the detox there is clarity of thought and a sense of peacefulness. The best way to explain this is after thanksgiving dinner and you are so stuffed you just want to lie down and sleep?  Or when you feel bloated? The last thing you want to do is go for a run or do basically anything. Well a detox is the opposite there isn’t a bunch of junk making you feel overly full but the healthy detoxifying food keeps you satisfied so you have energy and feel recharged. (


Having constant toxins in our bodies don't help the anti-aging process therefore when you are on a cleanse and only eating healthy natural foods your body can detoxify which helps aging. Once you have finished the cleanse switching your diet to a healthier one helps the anti-aging benefits become long term ( Besides the aging that is happening on the outside of your body there is aging happening on the inside as well. For example; your heart becomes healthier and it gets a little “break” and can semi relax because there isn’t so many toxins invading your body. (


Cleanses can be a great thing if you do them correctly. Always remember to eat while on cleanse, don’t fast. Fasting will not get you going in the direction you want and it will make you feel terrible and can cause serious problems if you are one too long. A detox can help your body in so many ways; you’ll feel reenergized, improve your skin, and help with aging. Even just eating a little healthier can help you very much if you don’t want to go on a detox.

• "Detox Diets." WebMD. WebMD, n.d. Web. 08 May 2015.
• Breaking Down Detox: Is It Good, Bad, or Just a Fad?" Everyday Roots. N.p., 07 Apr. 2013. Web. 09 May 2015.
• "12 Benefits of Detoxing the Body." Bembu. N.p., 18 Oct. 2013. Web. 18 May 2015.
• "Forever Young: The Anti-Aging Benefits of Plant-Based Foods." One Green Planet. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 May 2015.

The author's comments:

A little about how I feel about a detox/cleanse.

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