Cell Phones and Cancer | Teen Ink

Cell Phones and Cancer

June 1, 2015
By Mackenzie Fimmen SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Mackenzie Fimmen SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
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Adopted in June of 2014, the European country of France has a new law. The law is a precautionary approach that addresses the potential risks to health that radio-frequency radiation causes. The law includes, but is not limited to; “Any advertisement for cell phones must mention, clearly and legibly, the recommended use of an accessory device that reduces exposure of the head to radio frequency radiation. Violators are subject to a fine of 75,000 euros.”, “Advertisements promoting the use of cell phones without such accessories are prohibited. Violators are subject to a fine of 75,000 euros.”, “Anyone selling a cell phone must provide, upon request, an accessory designed for children under 14 years of age that reduces exposure of the head to radio frequency radiation.”, “Wireless internet is prohibited in places dedicated to the welcome, rest, and activities of children under 3 years of age.”, and, “Wireless access for internet in elementary schools must be disabled when not in use for teaching.”

Does anyone wonder why such laws are being put into place, and with such high consequences if broken? France is the first and only country in the world to develop a law trying to protect citizens from the connection between cell phones and Wi-Fi, and the fatal disease, cancer. But, unfortunately, just one country is not enough to spread awareness. All countries and the inhabitants thereof need to have an understanding that cell phones may be creating a huge risk to the health of our generation, and they need to find out before it’s too late. Cell phone use is on the rise, with the number of calls, length of calls, and number of texts increasing by users each day. This is not just an idea, this is real, and the facts begin in the functions of these items themselves.

In a basic form, a cell phone is a two-way radio, which consists of a radio transmitter and a radio receiver. To perform the tasks we expect them to perform, such as making calls and sending text messages, cell phones have to emit radiofrequency energy (radio waves). Radio waves are a form of electromagnetic radiation. According to the National Cancer Institute, “Tissues nearest to where the phone is held can absorb this energy.” Wi-Fi routers also emit this type of radiation. Wi-Fi signals are constantly flying through the air around us searching for signals and phones to connect to, travelling straight through our bodies and, again, putting us at risk of absorbing this energy.

Now, we’re all wondering, “How does this affect us? Where does the cancer come into play?” The Children’s Health Expert Panel says, “DNA is being damaged, and natural repair processes impaired, in this unnatural 24/7 bath of radiation.” Research states that all frequencies react the same with DNA, whether the frequency is higher or lower. Some of the effects occur faster, while others are slower to become apparent, but the effects all happen the same. Scientists believe that cancer is a result from changes in DNA. DNA’s fragile structure makes it extremely sensitive to Electromagnetic Fields (EMF), even more so than other tissues in the body. The long-term effects on us as a species are very concerning as there is no evidence at all that we can adapt to all of these unnatural frequencies. Ronald B. Herberman, Founding Director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, Vice Chancellor of Cancer Research at University of Pittsburgh and the first head of an NCI funded cancer center, said, “A disservice has been done in inaccurately depicting the body of science, which actually indicates that there ARE biological effects from the radiation emitted by wireless devices, including damage to DNA, and evidence for increased risk of cancer and other substantial health consequences.”

The Global Healing Center’s website showcased just how damaging this radiation can be with an experiment conducted by a group of Danish students using a Wi-Fi router and plants. One set of the plants, garden cress, was placed in a room free of wireless radiation. The other set was grown in a room next to two wireless routers that emitted the same amount of radiation as a cell phone. Can we guess the results? The set of plants next to the radiation didn’t grow at all. This is evidence that cells are truly being mutated and damaged by radiofrequency energy. Judging by this, human cells must be at risk too, right? Dr. Lisa Bailey, M.D., a breast surgeon, and former president of the American Cancer Society in California, presents evidence from case reports of breast cancer in young women who carried a cell phone in their bras. A particular case was that of Tiffany Frantz. Frantz stored her phone in her bra as a convenient pocket, and now struggles with breast cancer. Her tumor started in the exact place in her breast her phone was close to for five years. So, there is concern with adults. But how does this affect children?

Perhaps the biggest concern with all of this is in children, and it is made apparent in France’s law, which has focus on children in daycares and schools. "Children's skulls and scalps are thinner. So the radiation can penetrate deeper into the brain of children and young adults. Their cells are at a dividing faster rate, so the impact of radiation can be much larger." said Black of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, according to CNN. Being exposed to radiofrequency radiation from cell phones and Wi-Fi can stunt typical cellular development, especially the development of fetuses in the womb. This evidence is from a study conducted in 2009 in Austria. The disruption of cellular development is so severe that the authors noted, “this cell property is especially pronounced in growing tissues, that is, in children and youth. Consequently, these population groups would be more susceptible than average to the described effects.” To summarize, allowing the developmentally young to swim in pools of radiation emitted from cell phones and Wi-Fi increases their risk of developmental issues.

What can we do to protect ourselves and our children from the harmful effects of cell phones and Wi-Fi? First of all, we need to be cautious of how often our phones are in use; the amount of time we are talking, texting, surfing and playing. The less the phone is exposed to areas of our bodies that are at risk, such as our brains, the less at risk we will be for developing cancer. Second, cell phones should be kept away from our bodies when not in use. Instead of placing the cell phone in a pocket or bra, place it in a purse or bag. Keeping the phone away from the body and protecting ourselves, while still being able to access it when needed, gives us a win-win situation. Third, a radiation-reflecting case can be purchased. There is a brand of case just for this on the market called the “Pong” case. Stated on their website, www.pongcase.com, “Pong cases are embedded with a patented, micro thin, gold-plated antenna, that reduces exposure to potentially harmful cell phone radiation while maintaining the phone’s signal” … “Results from tests in FCC-certified labs show exposure reduced by up to five times below the FCC Specific Absorption Rate (SAR).” The fourth thing we can do to protect ourselves is to just turn it off. If the cell phone or Wi-Fi isn’t needed, why continue to put ourselves at risk?

In conclusion, cell phones can indeed be extremely harmful to us as humans. The radiofrequency energy penetrates our bodies and mutates DNA, potentially causing cancer. Countless scientists, doctors and organizations are trying to warn us of these effects, and there is tons of evidence to support it. France has been the first country in the world to issue a law trying to protect its citizens from the connection between cell phones, Wi-Fi, and cancer. The law cracks down on cell phone companies needing to provide recommendations on how to protect ourselves when using their products. It prohibits Wi-Fi in daycares, and cuts down on its use in schools. In order for this evolving problem to be solved, or, at least helped, more people need to become aware of it. Although there are a lot of risks, there are many things we can do for now to protect ourselves from those risks, such as keeping cell phones away from our bodies, buying radiation-reflecting cases, and, simply turning our devices off.

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