Not True Friends | Teen Ink

Not True Friends

September 28, 2015
By ClassyAngil BRONZE, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
ClassyAngil BRONZE, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I am just an ordinary girl who doesn't drink, smoke, or party every weekend. Everytime I try to do something right it ends up going wrong. I hang out with people that dare you to do things and end up ditching you when you get into trouble for them being stupid. Everytime that happens it ends up being an arguement. Sometimes people need another chance after they mess up but when my friends mess up constantly and ditch you and you end up being blamed for it, they are not true friends.

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on Dec. 7 2015 at 9:26 am
ClassyAngil BRONZE, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment
What doe you all think about my article?