Universal Healthcare | Teen Ink

Universal Healthcare

January 8, 2016
By Anonymous

The government gives more advantages to senior citizens than the regular citizens. By using the health care that the elderly are using we can help a lot of people be more healthier  help more of the economy. They offer more than any other care gives which is only given to the elderly. The United States plus Mexico are the only countries of the 34 members of the organization for economics co-operation and development that do not have universal health care. The only way to receive that health care you have to be 65 or older to be ab no one else can get it if you under that age limit. Everyone of all ages should be able to have universal health care that is good and still affordable. Regular citizens can’t afford good healthcare, Most of the extra money goes to the younger class citizens bills, the sick who can’t afford walk around and touch and affect others around them.

“In a free market system of healthcare, price is driven more by demand and need than it is by the provision of quality care.”(http://healthreaserchfunding.org/universal-heaalthcare-pros-cons/)

All of the people who can’t afford health care would be able to afford it could even save the country money at the same time. It would be helpful in all types of ways and if someone were to say yes and give everyone universal health care it would not only save more people with problems that need to be fixed but it won’t bring them into further debt.

“We already have laws in the U.S. that require emergency rooms to see patients even if they don’t have any insurance. This costs the hospital money, which they pass on to consumers and insurance companies.”(The Pros And Cons Of Universal Health...) If the regular citizens get the rest of the extra dollars that get added to their bill wouldn’t that be us paying instead of them paying instead, why can’t the people that actually need the treatment pay for it themselves instead of what the government doesn’t pay comes to us. This answer wouldn’t solve the situation just puts more money on someone else’s bills and causing issues for that other person.
“This can help reduce the spread of infectious diseases and other common health problems that people ignore if they can’t afford health care.”(www.formosapost.com/pros-and-cons-of-universal-health-care/)I think that this would be better than the current system that we have today because even if the cons are bigger in size doesn’t mean you give up on the option just from reading the cons list and from this information i found a lot of the people are doing that towards universal healthcare, but my opinion is to have the United States take that risk if it means that you can save a whole lot of people it is rather absurd that they cast away this option without even taking this into consideration more.
“47.9 million people in the United States (15.4% of the US population) did not have health insurance in 2012 according to the US Census Bureau.”(http://healthcare.proon.org/)

To me it almost seems like an attempt at suicide because when they emit these people their condition is so bad it almost seems unreal. In the article it said most of the people who come in went through a nightmare and it seems that way when the people show up at the medical care almost on the brink of being in serious trouble. If it take that much of an effort not even be seen towards the hospitals or medical care so they won’t be charged so those people won’t have that debt that hangs over their families and that person's head. I feel as that is unfair they put up with that unbearable pain making it seem like everything will be alright and it turns into something serious.
The sick contaminate others around them and the environment also the affected do this by touch things in public places or just talking as the germs flow into the atmosphere while the unaffected breath it in. If this all can’t be decided by the government soon the people who are sick will have to stop going to work citizens want to provide for their families so they’re forced to go into work no matter what so they contaminate their environment and makes others contaminated as well. The fact that they are able to spread their colds, flus, and other viruses does not do good for the people around that sick person, sharing what others have is different for everyone so if one got other sick and it affected them a lot harder than the original person that could be terrible for the second person involved and we don’t want others to be so sick that they have to stay in the hospital. I know the government doesn’t want most of the population to suddenly come down with an illness but not always things can be avoided. If there was a way to at least bring down the conts of illnesses than why not try to fix it in this way.
So there should not be a problem with this solution to try to help people that are in need of this type of care, Healthcare is not given to everyone that is not senior citizens.

The fact is if everything goes good with this tryout for this program than it shouldn’t be classified as a trail it should become permanent for the citizens to use if it helps.

Why would the government give this type of healthcare to everyone when it’s originally only for the citizens over or are 65 and older?

Originally the cost of medical care is so expensive for americans this could help the people and the government also, and doing this favor towards the people could help with the money issue that america has.

This does not make sense, universal healthcare was originally for the senior citizens the older citizens. What right do we have to take that privilege away from others that deserved it more they have been here longer. They saved up their whole life to get this type of healthcare in their old age.

Even so if we the people or the government don’t do something about our current situation than the result be more than we are trying to handle now. If this system works and we are able to handle the debted we have already and this saves our country money than how is that a bad thing for america.

Though you say that all these things can help what is the true root of the problem how is this helping? If this plan doesn’t go the way it is supposed to than what? How is america going to recover if this process sends up more down in the debt part. This is not a game if this actually blows up in america’s face will the economy survive and how long would it take to get everything stable again this is not something that we can take lightly.

We know this is not a game and this subject is something that you can’t take lightly but right now think for a moment. The bigger picture is right in front of your face you see it everyday on your way to work on your way home. The ones who crave what you have are the ones who are struggling in this country, If they are having a very hard time finding a good home and good job than what makes you think that they are having trouble staying healthy. If you can’t even stand how are you expected to work or take care of anyone, how the people feel is more important than working while you are feeling like you’re about to be unconscious that’s not healthy or good for anyone.

Universal healthcare should be able to be accessed by anyone of all ages without a costly pay. I predict this system for healthcare will help more of the people than the current system. More of the citizens can go to the hospital and emergency care without having the weight of the bill that you can’t pay over their heads. Universal healthcare will be able to help more of the ones that are sick out there, with this the numbers of the infected counts could come down and we could have more safety towards our health and the rest of the population.    

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