Suicide Is Never the Answer | Teen Ink

Suicide Is Never the Answer

April 6, 2016
By FigureSkaterMeow BRONZE, Waupun, Wisconsin
FigureSkaterMeow BRONZE, Waupun, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Suicide is never the answer to depression, or any problem.

Have you ever thought about committing suicide?

Think about it. Suicide is taking your life because you can't handle your problems. You can’t run away from your problems like that. If you commit suicide, you are missing out on all the great things in life. You won't know if you would have ever met “the one”. You  get to try things on your bucket list that you want to. If you were to commit suicide, you are throwing your whole life away when in reality, it’s just the beginning of it. Is that really the future you want? Suicide impacts more than just you. It impacts everyone that cares about you, friends and family. If you were in your parents shoes, how would you feel preparing your child's funeral? After you die, you are gone. It’s the end and there is no coming back. Instant regret flooding in like a river when you come to realize what you’ve done. People tend to say that nobody cares or nobody understands what they are going through or that there is nobody there to listen to them. They don't want to be heard, they want to be listened to, and sometimes that is all you can do. 


One reason that you should never commit suicide is your family, and friends. Think about how much sorrow that you committing suicide would bring them. If I committed suicide right now, which I'm definitely not going to, my family would be devastated. You wouldn’t want that for your own family, would you? You may say that they don’t care about you, or that to them you are useless and nothing. That’s so not true. Talk to one of them, and tell them how you are feeling and why. If the reason you are wanting to commit suicide is because of your parents, may it be domestic abuse or divorce in the family or someone is doing drugs or alcohol, talk to a close friend. Let them know what is going on, and if you really want help, get it. Help may just arrive when it is too late. 


Another reason for not committing suicide is that it's final. There's no going back. Ever. After someone commits suicide they don’t exist. You are even worse off than you were before. When you are gone, you are gone. That's it, you've hit rock bottom and it's the end. Why rush the end? You are fast forwarding through your life when you don’t need to. Do you want to be known as a quitter? You are quitting your life. You are strong enough to pull through this, everybody is. For some it will take longer than others but you will. “If you choose to take your life and realize that you’ve made a mistake in your final moment. There’s no re-do. There are no second chances. There is no next time.”(Logical Spiritualism) Are you really willing to leave the impression on other that there is no better way to overcome this obstacle in life that sadly many of us deal with at one point or another? If you stay, then you can share the story with other people and save a life of another person struggling through the same thing you are. Instead of eliminating yet another life, how about save one.

Here, I'll give you an example. When you're watching a movie do you stop at the 25% mark? Or the ½ way point?

No! Of course not!

Even if it's a sad movie, you know that things will usually get better in the end. Chances are, it's the same with your life. Even if you do stop the movie for a more exciting one, you can do that with your life too. Change your life into a more exciting one! Live freely, where YOU want. Not where you´re miserable and want to kill yourself. Go out to movies with friends, go for a shopping trip. Make this life yours. Just like in the movie, in the end, it gets better.

Sometimes when somebody is feeling depressed and wanting to die, all they need is somebody to listen to them, and not just hear them.

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