If I Were Mayor | Teen Ink

If I Were Mayor

November 13, 2017
By Baseball26 SILVER, PEWAUKEE, Wisconsin
Baseball26 SILVER, PEWAUKEE, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

After my first year of being mayor is over, I am proud to say that we are on our way to our goal. Our goal of having Waukesha County be the premier area to live in southeastern Wisconsin. This means we can have a county where all citizens are proud to live here, and we have equality between all minorities, and of course, be the safest place to live. While we are well on our way to this goal, that doesn’t mean we don’t have a lot of room to improve. We still have a long way to go. This journey starts with me. As I look into my second year of being mayor I have many goals. I obviously know that it will takes years to achieve our end goal, but I want to take major steps this year. I want to make our end goal be active within a few years.

My biggest priority is the safety of our citizens. That is why we are taking extra steps to make sure our city is clean, and the hygiene is up to where it needs to be. We will start by providing hand sanitizing machines at the entrance of every building in the city, and periodically within the building. On top of that we will provide machines at the door of every single classroom at the schools. Since most of our people living in our great city use city water, we will take extra measures to make sure that water is as clean as possible. That is why we will be hiring an organization to check the ph scales of our water, and make sure we have the cleanest and safest water possible.

On the other side of the safety, we have keeping our citizens safe, and away from crime. We will be taking extra measures to make sure crime is low in our city, and have our city be a place where all citizens say they are safe. To do this we will set up extra cameras downtown to track any suspicious activity, and we will be hiring 30 more police officers to help protect the city. While crime here is not as bad as most parts of the country we are taking extra measures to make sure the only progress in crime is backwards.

We also are opening our second Women’s Center in Waukesha to get the patients more attention, and also creating a lot of jobs for people to help women in traumatic situations. We are very thankful for all of our volunteer citizens on call as well to help these women get through these situations, and we are proud to say more and more are getting involved to make a difference. We hope to take huge strides in the health and safety of our city this year, and those were just a few of the things we are doing to make those strides.

Outside of those two main goals of progress in our city, we have goals on the recreation side of things. At the Waukesha Rec Center we are setting up a 18 and older competitive rec basketball league as well as a less competitive 35 and over league. These leagues are just the start to what we hope is a lot of recreational sports programs being added to our city. We have been able to attract sponsors to pay for uniforms and referees so playing is free. We want our city to be healthy and stay fit while also doing something they love. The last thing we are doing this year is perhaps the most exciting. We will be having “Waukesha Fest” at Frame Park in July. This will include live music, rides, fireworks, and food. The festival will take place July 6-11, and is open to the public. This will become an annual event, and I can’t wait to see you there.

All in all, we have many goals this year, and they are big. In my eyes, progress will all be made to every single goal, and we will make Waukesha the best Wisconsin has! This goal is in our hands, and we control our destiny. We are the ones that can make the change, and we will make the change for the better of our city.

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