Music in My Life | Teen Ink

Music in My Life

June 8, 2018
By Jz BRONZE, Gresham, Oregon
Jz BRONZE, Gresham, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ever since I was a child I would listen to music when I get the chance too. Whenever the tv or radio was on I would stay there for hours until I get bored, called to eat, or to go some were out of the house but of course I would listen on the radio on the car when I was a little kid but now a days I would listen to music wherever I go, like at home when I do homework, going to malls, restaurant, stores, arcade and even maybe on trips on radio or on phone. Music can help here and there during my child till now in life. Some of the music I listen to bring the whole family together on days we want to listen to music. When I get anger on something that i’m trying to do or make and I put music on, it is always there to make me calm and finish the things i’m doing and yea.I can choose music nowadays more unlike before I couldn’t as much because I have listen to almost at least all of them, but now I can listen to new music that come upon Youtube and I need to catch up a little bit.  

The author's comments:

it's true

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