If I Were Mayor of My Town | Teen Ink

If I Were Mayor of My Town

October 22, 2018
By johnnybojorquezo BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
johnnybojorquezo BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

If I Were Mayor of My Town

If I were mayor of my own town, I wouldn’t have to do much as other cities. Every town has its own problems. There are two problems that I would resolve if I was the mayor of own my town.

One issue I would fix is the traffic near schools. There’s inevitably going to be traffic when dropping off children or driving near schools. People who experience traffic, are usually late to their destination. I would possibly add a new road or passage for only the ones who need to get past the nearby school. This would help other vehicles to quickly drop of their children. While, other drivers would be able to safely get past the school without having to deal with irritating traffic.

Tourist tax would be increased by a few percents. Transient occupancy tax, also known as TOT, is charged to every tourist or traveler that stays in a hotel that is within the city. Being mayor, I would raise the TOT by a few percents; considering my town having one of the lowest TOT’s in the county. Having a low TOT isn’t as most beneficial to the city. The transient occupancy tax helps my city; have clean roads, ensure public safety, and fix other needed aids. So holding a low TOT would have an impact on covering the aid expenses to the town. Although tourists may not want to pay a higher tax cost, having a higher TOT would make the town a better and safer place; giving the tourists a greater quality of experience when visiting the town.

These are two major problems that I would rectify if I was mayor of my own town. I would fix traffic near schools and raise the transient occupancy tax by a few percents. Being mayor, I would try my best to help the community and quality of my town.

The author's comments:

This is for the National Essay Writing Contest, 2018.

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