Effects of Global Warming | Teen Ink

Effects of Global Warming

December 11, 2018
By Tyland-scott BRONZE, Sacramento, California
Tyland-scott BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
My favorite quote is the quote from Dean Mc coppin From the movie "The iron Giant" He states "You are who you choose to be.

Global warming is a pretty serious effect that is currently taking place in our World. Global warming is a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth’s

Atmosphere, generally attributed to the Greenhouse Effect which is caused by increased Levels of carbon dioxide, chorofuoro carbons, and other pollutants, which affects the weather.

As a person worried for our safety I believe we should work together and find a solution to prevent any other future disasters from happening sooner. One thing we can

Do to slow down the process of global warming is find different ways for transportation

Because using cars and motorcycles release CO2 which causes pollution in the atmosphere. We should also make sure we are throwing away all our trash because trash can cause pollution. Overflowing waste causes air pollution and respiratory diseases.

    Global warming is real. For example, Global warming is now affecting the united states more than ever. There has been wildfires spread all throughout california.

We’ve had fires in san jose, near san diego, los angeles, and our most recent fire

Near sacramento was in Chico, which has caused our air quality to be pretty bad and

Has caused the schools to close down a day or two be for thanksgiving break 11/15/18.

     Tampa bay Times issued a report of new climate. The report warns of more rain, hurricanes and flooding in florida and elsewhere. This report was issued Nov 23,2018.

Floods occur most commonly from heavy rainfall when natural watercourses do not have the capacity to carry excess water. ... In coastal areas, water inundation can be caused by a storm surge as a result of a tropical cyclone, a tsunami or a high tide coinciding with higher than normal river levels.

     A lot of people don’t believe in global warming, others think that it’s not going to happen no time soon. They believe it’s some kind of “Hoax”, For Example Donald Trump

First thought of global warming and climate change as a Hoax, but then changed his claim after he himself noticed The changes in the climate. He now believes climate change is man made.   

        There are already a handful of disasters that global warming can cause. To add to the list, Due to climate change the mosquito population continues to increase. Mosquitoes  are attracted to heat. They can form from a female mosquito laying her eggs on the surface of water, like pool water, river water, swamp water, a pudel, and more. Not all mosquitoes carry diseases, but the that due can consist of deadly diseases such as zika virus, west nile virus, dengue fever, chikungunya, and malaria.

This increase in the mosquito population can later lead to disease spread.  Another sign of global warming taking place is that the polar ice caps are melting

And thinning which is causing the sea levels to rise.

Global warming is real and now taking place. For example we’ve had a series of wildfires spread all throughout california, there has been a series of floods around the world The polar ice caps are melting and the sea levels are continuing to rise, and the mosquito population is continuing to increase. All of these factors are shown examples that global warming is currently taking place.

The author's comments:

  What motivated me to write this peace was because I felt this is a pretty serious topic that

  should be discused because it's something that is currently taking place and is not being taken seriously.

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