Presidential Candidate: Andrew Yang UBI Plan | Teen Ink

Presidential Candidate: Andrew Yang UBI Plan

April 14, 2019
By Seanbuechele12 BRONZE, Miami Beach, Florida
Seanbuechele12 BRONZE, Miami Beach, Florida
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Favorite Quote:
My favorite personal quote is, “It Ain’t How Hard You Hit…It’s How Hard You Can Get Hit and Keep Moving Forward. It's About How Much You Can Take And Keep Moving Forward!” This is by Rocky Balboa and its so true about life you get back up and keep fighting for your dreams. This relates to me a lot because people have told me I will never succeed and I am not smart for trying to go for my passion. So I have to take the punches and keep moving forward.

As we see the Democratic candidates for president in 2020 are constantly increasing in numbers as time progresses. There has been one candidate named Andrew Yang that has tried to get his name out there so more people learn about him. Andrew for the 2020 race has come up with a new solution that he has been saying since 2017 and that is Universal Basic Income. Mr. Yang talked with Ben Shapiro and Good Morning America about the plan and what it entails. What he is proposing is once you are 18 the U.S government will automatically give you 1,000 dollars a month for free. So everyone that is an adult will be receiving a thousand dollar check every month which equals to 12,000 dollars a year. Andrew says that with this program it will help the people that work manufacturing jobs. Andrew has said that AI and technology is taking over the world and many jobs are being lost to this new type of industry. So he proposes that by giving people 1,000 dollars a month this can help the people that work in these jobs to live a decent life. Now the main thing that everyone is asking Mr. Yang is how are we going to pay for it? Yang says he would implement a Value-Added Tax which is a tax on the production of goods or services a business produces. It is a fair tax and it makes it much harder for large corporations, who are experts at hiding profits and income, to avoid paying their fair share. He believes that with a VAT the government could generate a lot more tax revenue then what its doing now. He also says the people on welfare will not need as much money from the government for support because they are already receiving benefits. I personally do not agree with him on this because we do not live in a perfect world, people will take advantage of the government every time. So the idea that people will not use the welfare money from the government that much does not make sense to me. Mr. Yang also says that by giving money to the hands of American consumer the economy will grow. This is not technically true either the U.S economy will only grow if people choose to spend the money into the market and the economy. What Mr. Yang is saying is that people will definitely spend that money but some people could just keep it in the safe or put in a bank and collect interest on it. Mr. Yang for the UBI talks about it will help Americans to find work and increases mental strength and work motivation. I personally do not agree with that either, what Mr. Yang doesn't understand is that people abuse the system all the time and will take advantage. First off giving free money to anyone breeds laziness and less motivation. If I am 18 and I receive 12,000 dollars a year I will just be chilling and saying this is great I am getting free money from the government for doing nothing. I think Mr. Yang has a morally good idea but the fact that he is willing to give out free money to every adult due to the rise in AI and technology is ridiculous. People change and adapt to the environment they are given, 30 years ago everyone thought that the computer and internet was going to take all jobs and increasing the employment rate. Its not true we adapt and we change depending on what is happening, I think that AI will never take all jobs from humans and there will always be more human jobs than AI. So overall what Mr. Yang is proposing for the 2020 Democratic nomination I do not agree with and I think that if he does this its going to create a lazier type society.

The author's comments:

I am very passionate about politics and want to give people a new perspective on ideas. 

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