Is Graffiti Real Art? | Teen Ink

Is Graffiti Real Art?

April 30, 2019
By Anonymous



The expression or application of human creative skills and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. The definition of art still applies to graffiti, the only difference is the art was put up illegally.

Graffiti has the ability to bring awareness to any controversial topic, and provides creative thinking to what the words or art means to the artist and the viewer. Banksy, an anonymous street artist, once said, “Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.” This meaning that if you are constantly living the same and not trying to find a deeper meaning, accepting the truth will be difficult. According to The Standard when trying to understand what the artist means you can discover a different theme than the artist intended. An instagram account of instagram called @catcallsofnyc is writing in chalk, on the streets of New York City, quotes that people have said against others. Catcalling is to make a whistle, shout, or comment of a sexual nature to a woman passing by. Artists on the street, typically, don’t reveal who they are, this being a good thing because viewers will not associate the artist’s beliefs or morals with their art. Different colors and shapes on a wall is a way for people to express how they truly feel and their different opinions on controversial topics.

Artists being able to better express themselves not for others but for their own pleasure is extremely important. Pros and Cons of Graffiti states For some people it is easier to let their hands create beautiful art instead of talking about their thoughts. Painting is a healthy coping mechanism compared to other things that are common in our society today. Banksy also said, “People say graffiti is ugly, irresponsible, and childish… but that’s only if it’s done properly.” Typically, street artists don’t paint for the satisfaction of others but for themselves. Street artists paint for themselves and their own opinions; however, the art put up can be inspirational to the public and possibly have a different effect to the public than intended.

A lot of the art that is put up without permission has a meaning that is meant to spark hope, cause you to think deeper, or to cause awareness. Most art put up has words that help determine what the artist is trying to get across. Some however, leave the theme to be interpreted by the viewer. The artist known as ‘Mr. Brainwash’ said in one of his paintings, “You’re never too young to dream big.” When you hear something like this from someone you don’t know, it gives you a sense of power that you can accomplish anything and that is what street artists across the world are trying to achieve. It is common to find being put down or feeling hopeless, Mr. Brainwash is trying to have a positive impact on those who see his work.

Graffiti is a work of art on a different canvas. Streets, busses, bridges, and a lot more objects are outlets for artists to express themself. The art put up allows other people to become conscious of the deep truth and also the desire to know the truth. When judgement is placed on a work of art purely because the act was illegal, the purpose of the art is not rising up like it should. What would you do if you couldn’t express yourself?

The author's comments:

I hope that people understand that there are always different view points.

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