My vote could... | Teen Ink

My vote could...

October 23, 2019
By acb23 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
acb23 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I walk in with hundreds of people looking at me. I take a glance, most are smiling, others unhappy because they’re here. I see different ethnicities, different genders, different heights, weights, eyes, and hair color. I am one of many, but my vote counts just as much as theirs. My vote could swing the state, my vote could mean our country is blue vs red. My vote could mean everyone gets free tuition, my vote could mean our military is stronger than ever, my could mean 

I enter the booth, with an immense pressure and excitement, knowing I am trying to make change in our country. I begin to fill out my ballot, making swift checks down the page, one after another. Slipping my ballot into the box, I leave not knowing if my vote can make a change, but knowing my vote will make a difference. 

I watch as our new president is elected, knowing half love it, and the other half hates it. I watch as my vote was one of the millions. But I know that I did make a difference. This difference could have been small, but thinking from small to big, my vote did make the difference. I could have been the one vote that changes the county. The county could then change the state. An extra 10 electoral votes for a candidate could allow them to win the presidency. 

My vote could be all of this, impacting our future, changing who we are, and forming our country. All from one vote, one of millions. 

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