Gun control in the US | Teen Ink

Gun control in the US

December 3, 2019
By BrewerB1 BRONZE, Springfield, Missouri
BrewerB1 BRONZE, Springfield, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Reader 

I am addressing the hot topic of gun control in this great nation. I must first say that many factors are overlooked for instance there are 2.1 to 2.5 million cases of self-defense using guns.

And about guns and suicide rates if someone is going to do such a thing as taking their life than they are determined to do so, whether that is by rope or a gun. Frankly if parents today instilled certain values (such as respect and common courtesy) in their kids and where their parents, not their best friends, and were more strict. Then and only then can we expect to see these rates drop both suicide and mass shootings. I am not ignorant to the fact that this is not the only reason for mass shootings. With that said the number of lives saved in self-defense vastly outweighs the number of lives taken in mass shootings. There are many accidents among not only adults but in children that are injured or even die every day from gun accidents, but that is why we need to teach our youth about common gun safety such as never look down a gun's barrel or never point at something you don’t intend to shoot. Many gun manufacturers teach gun safety (such as Mossberg) to prevent as many accidents as possible. Some people think that if guns are illegal then they will just disappear. If that is the case then why do we still have cocaine? You think it will be like when the us outlawed switchblades? I promise you it will not if you try to take even very Americans assault rifle than many will die thousands upon thousands will fight to the death for the right to bear arms.

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