Why can't politicians and other public workers help us? | Teen Ink

Why can't politicians and other public workers help us?

May 16, 2010
By JOYOUS GOLD, Lehigh Acres, Florida
JOYOUS GOLD, Lehigh Acres, Florida
17 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
Personally my favorite quote is: "It's better off living for today, than waiting for tomorrow." cause I completely understand it!

Okay, People all over America and other places to, are having SO many problems. But why won't politicians and other people in politics understand the fact that teens and kids need help to? There are so many little things they could help us do in the time of need.
Have you ever wondered why there isn't a streetlight when you walk to your bus stop? Or why there isn't side walks for us teens to walk on to school? But then they look around and wonder why so many things happen to us.
This doesn't seem to make sense. Does it to you? Our safety should mean something to them. The safest way to do anything now a days is with a parent. And you know how much we love going with our parents to places. This is all I can say for now since there would be so much to go on with. I just want to thank you so much for reading my piece and I hope you guys feel the same too.

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This article has 3 comments.

flowergirl said...
on May. 28 2010 at 11:49 am
To: Joyous Keep up the good work! You have many talents. Develop as many and as much as you can!

whyked said...
on May. 28 2010 at 10:25 am
I really agree with your statements. I, too, agree that when we take care of the children, then things will get better for the country. Trying to help teens and young kids feel safe should be a priority. Good Job!

jancatzzz said...
on May. 28 2010 at 7:33 am
Great article, Joy!  You are our future and I see a brighter one.  I grew up with street lights, being able to go anywhere safely and it is sad to see how times have changed and your safety is challenged.