Death by Drive Thru | Teen Ink

Death by Drive Thru

March 19, 2013
By Abbiefolson SILVER, Ridgefield, Washington
Abbiefolson SILVER, Ridgefield, Washington
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We've all been there. You’re looking at a fastfood restaurant menu because you’re lazy and don’t want to make some food for yourself. Who cares about that organic fish fillet you planned on making? That would have taken thirty minutes to one hour to make! This meal will cost a fraction of what you have to pay to make your own meal. You can relax in your car and wait a minute or two for your food to come. I am sure you are familiar with the phrase: If it’s too good to be true it probably is, fast food demonstrates this perfectly. Anyone who often eats fast food should stop because the food has too many calories, cancer causing chemicals, and it's terrible for your skin.

First, anyone who loves fast food should stop eating it because it is far too calorie filled. With the economy going bad, people are looking for a cheap, convenient ways to get their three meals (and snacks) in. One bad thing about this is when people are ordering off of a menu, usually restaurants do not have a calorie count on their food, so people have no idea how much they are ingesting. Not to mention fast foods have a ton of fat in them which ultimately means more calories. According to Fiona Bayly, one of the reporters for (a health news website) “Extra calories cause weight gain, and the simplest way to overindulge in calories is to eat fast food every day.” (Live This is one of the reasons America is facing an obesity epidemic. Clearly, people who eat fast food should stop because of the unhealthy surplus of calories.

Another reason you should not eat fast food is because research shows there are cancer causing chemicals in fast food. Would you rather risk your life or save a couple bucks? According to (a news website) “The state of California is suing nine top food manufacturers, including Burger King, Heinz and McDonald's, over their reluctance to issue warnings that some of their snacks could contain the potentially cancer-causing chemical acrylamide.” (Thomas Kostigen) Truly, people should stop eating fast food because of the cancer causing chemicals they may contain.

Last, anyone who loves fast food should stop eating it becuase fast food is horrible for your skin. The main acne cause in teens and adults is poor food choices. Think about it, the things you eat travel through your blood, and throughout your body. When all that grease, sugar, and fat reach your face, well you're not exactly going to be the most attractive person. “The American Academy of Dermatology published recommendations in 2007 suggesting that caloric restriction has no benefit in the treatment of acne and that there is insufficient evidence to link the consumption of certain “food enemies” to acne. On the other hand, recent studies have suggested a rather close relationship between diet and acne” ( Obviously, people should stop eating fast food because it's terrible for your skin.

Next time you’re hungry and want to grab a quick bite to eat out on the road, think again. Wait until you get home, if its not yet time for a meal, eat a healthy snack like fruit or yogurt! In the end eating this greasy fatty crap they serve at restaurants, will potentially make you gain weight, it may cause cancer, and you will suffer from skin problems.

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