Book Report on The Descent | Teen Ink

Book Report on The Descent

April 12, 2013
By Anonymous

Book Report on The Descent

I read The Descent by Jeff Long. In the book there is a surprising discovery made all around the world. Hell is real! There are a series of underground tunnels that are inhabited by the devils of the human imagination wings and horns included. The book follows the main character Ali a female linguist who was taken from her home to a secret meeting with many other people a few years after the discovery of hell. They are a simple organization with simple goals, find Satan. Their reason is clear; they believe being as there is historical Jesus, if not a religious one, and demons are real, shouldn’t Satan be as well? But now we must go to one of our other main characters. Ike is a former mountain climber in the Himalayas that was captured by the devils. but he is more important than that, he is the only human to ever escape from hell. Unable to adjust to normal life again he was hired to be a scout for an expedition that is going to explore the tunnels underneath the Pacific Ocean. But there is an alternative motive to the expedition, the man funding the expedition was a presidential candidate who lost, and his plan is to with an army of mercenaries to form a new country. However by pulling strings the secret organization that recruited Ali has placed her in the expedition and that is how she and Ike meet. As they continue on the expedition they figure out something, the devils are hunting them. Through a series of unfortunate events the whole expedition is lost, except Ike and Ali and the evil son of the billionaire candidate. Ali and Ike are captured by Satan who turns out to be one of the members of the order. The other man to save himself shoots Satan in the chest saving Ali and Ike’s life. From there it is a long journey back to the surface.

This book is pretty good; it’s a book that I would recommend but only if you have a lot of time because it is a slow book. It’s also a good book for someone that is inclined to being nonreligious/antireligious. It also has a lot of gore and really creepy things in the books

The author's comments:
i have to do this for class

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This article has 1 comment.

gman13 said...
on Apr. 19 2013 at 12:11 pm
iread that book it was really good