May 7, 2013
By Jack Kelly BRONZE, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
Jack Kelly BRONZE, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


Summertime is a student’s favorite time of the year. Not that school is bad you just get more freedom to do what you want and less work. Now imagine there was no summer vacation.

The main people that will be affected by year round school are the family of the students. They are the ones who sacrifice with time management. A teacher at a school that has tried year round schooling says “The ones who sacrifice are the families” Mrs. Austin (teacher Colorado school.) The families and parents have a tough time planning vacations and sports there is just not a lot of time for travel. The families aren’t happy about their new schedules.

Most people think that students will forget over the summer so they will have to retouch on this topic in the following school year. They think if there is year round schooling they won’t forget as much and not have to review work because the breaks are shorter. I personally disagree, because I learn subjects at the beginning of the year and don’t use those skills later in the year. Really, the break from the stuff you learn to when you actually use it again is just as long as a summer vacation and thus just as likely to forget. When they won’t review it because they assume you already know it even when you forgot it. My point is you are more likely to forget the things you learn in school because you won’t review it the next year.

A teacher states “I’ve found that friendships really suffer”. When students are given time for a break they use it for traveling and going on vacation. If they are with their family they won’t be with their friends for most of the break. The schools that have tried this use a system where they put kids on different tracks so they aren’t all at the school at the same time. If students are put on a different track “It is like they go to different schools”

The teachers and staff have found that it is “much more hectic and there is always stuff going on with no down time.” A lot of teachers I know love teaching because of the hours and how the timing works with their own children. If that factor was taken away how many people would want to work in that kind of place with not all of the benefits they thought. Especially if their kids don’t go to the school they teach.

I love summer and it gives me motivation to work for and to make it to the end of the school year to get to summer. The kids I know are working hard to get that summer and that nice break. If it was a continuous cycle with the breaks distributed evenly I would feel like it never ends and nothing to strive or push for.

As you can see year round schooling is just a year round disaster. This affects the people you love most, your friends or children. I believe that nothing but negatives could come from it which is why I think you should not support it.

Works Cited

Knudson, Thomas “ Colorado County Drops Year – Round Schooling” The New York Times

(2013): 1 Print 10 April 2013.

The author's comments:
I was shocked when i heard about year round schooling so i wanted to share my opinion on the topic

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