Year Round School | Teen Ink

Year Round School

May 9, 2013
By Anonymous

School year is one of the most debated things in the world. Countries like China, Korea and other Asian countries go to school year round. While America and most of Western Europe only go about nine months. The main question is should kids be allowed to have freedom during the summer or go to school year- round to be better prepared to work? Year-round school is the answer. The countries that have year-round school have a higher work rate but lower satisfaction rates. The countries that don’t have year- round school have a lower work rate and a higher satisfaction rate. If a person wants to make any sort of money he/she will have to work. There should be year- round school across America. As allowing schools to have more recess and athletic events, freeing parents up to enjoying themselves, and closing the achievement gap, we need year-round school.

Students would have more recess and athletic events with year-round school. The favorite part of any Kindergartener’s day is recess. The favorite part of any high school student’s is playing athletics. There would be more time for athletics and recess. This would all go without compromising academic instruction. In June most athletes are at school every day. So, why not have school during that time also. If athletes are there and don’t feel like they are leaving then why not just have school at the same time? Kids would be learning and have sports or extra-curricular activities at the same time.

Parents would finally be free to enjoy themselves a little. Students were becoming stressed and fatigues and absenteeism was increasing due to year-round school. This is why it’s important to have a summer vacation or else kids will stop going to school and dropping out which is not what the teachers want. Kids would be better prepared to work and earn a living because the in the real world people don’t have three months off. And if someone drops out of work then they will never be successful in life. Also with a year-round school moms don’t have to worry about where their kids are. For many families summer vacation has become anachronism. Parents wouldn’t have to pay or worry about what their kids are doing at home while they are at work with year-round school. Parents would not only be able to finally have fun they could save money which is big in today’s world.

Year- round school would close the achievement gap. According to scholars at the John Hopkins Center for Summer Learning students who are in lower-income houses or families lose significant academic ground while other wealthier kids that read and attend summer camps don’t. Kids need to have the same opportunities and the only way that could happen is when school is year-round. A year-round calendar provides a logical pacing of instruction with breaks that lower-income students need and richer students want. Year-round schooling is the answer to closing it. Everyone would get the same opportunities. With wealthier kids getting a better education while America is supposed to be equal. If America is an equal country they will install year-round school.

We need year-round school to allow schools to have more recess and athletic events, freeing parents up to enjoy themselves, and closing the achievement gap. Year-round school would promote a more fun school year with more recess and athletic events. Parents could save money and spend their hard earned money on themselves instead of sending their kids to the fanciest camp. The achievement gap would be closed and America would be equal. Year-Round School is like work, eventually it will happen.

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