Explore why gun control isn't the option | Teen Ink

Explore why gun control isn't the option

May 23, 2013
By Anonymous

It is a cool 20-degree morning. So cold, I don’t want to get out of the sleeping bag. But the sight of the deer yesterday and getting a chance at harvesting my first buck has been lingering in my mind for 2 years. The 20-minute ride to the saddle is full of adrenaline. The question keeps running in my mind “will I see the big one today?” Immediately, as I put up the binoculars I see deer. One by one I see doe, doe, doe and another doe. After an hour of glassing the hillside I am disappointed. I take one final look and there he is. Standing in the skyline with his figure outlined. After a tense hour stalk, he is in my cross hairs. One squeeze of the trigger and my dream has come true. And yes, it involved a gun. The representatives and senators of this nation are calling for stricter gun laws, and possibly leading to some drastic changes to our constitution. Gun control as a whole takes away the memories for many, violating the oaths that our politicians take and are simply knee jerk reactions to provide a false sense of security.
In the U.S. today we have representatives of each state. These consist of senators and representatives. These people that we call politicians are the ones we select into the head of this country and solve problems collectively. Politicians take an oath before each term served and the oath involves the support of the constitution. By passing gun control laws, they can be infringing on their oath they take. Passing gun laws isn’t supporting the 2nd amendment. It is in fact, going against their oath, and what their ultimate job is. The government of the U.S. has also been making knee jerk reactions. The old saying pops up “Desperate times call for drastic measures”. The U.S. has definitely been par taking apart of that. By passing these gun laws is a drastic measure by not taking the proper time on reading the facts. A lot of people that are pro gun control provide the argument that you need to take action to stop another horrific event from happening. The reaction that we need to do something now is very logical, but is it logical to just pass laws that hopefully correct the issue based on judgment? Most of these laws popped up after 1 incident, not months of studying the facts and finding the ultimate solution, but a perceived solution. “Laws only keep the honest man honest”.
Taking away the right for Americans owning guns takes away family time. Like me and many other Americans, we hunt and shoot guns as a hobby and a way of life. Also, some Americans depend on the gun that takes down an animal to get their meals for the winter months. Guns bring my family and friends together and provide memories I will never forget, just like they do for many other Americans. One of my fondest memories involved a gun that helped kill my first buck. It is a memory that I will never forget and if the gun laws pass, they will be taking away the memories spent with loved ones. Whether it is them harvesting their first buck, shooting a bull’s eye, whatever the case, those memories won’t be there if we take guns out of people’s hands. Guns help provide a roll in hunting which in turn helps manage wildlife and keep the species at numbers healthy for this planet and spending time with family.
Gun Control as a whole may solve minor issues but not the big ones. Today in America the perceived thought of safety isn’t a reality. We as a nation has gone too far, taking our rights down the drain like the water we wash our hands with, not listening to all the facts, processing the information the media gives us and pushing for stricter gun laws. Gun control is truly tearing us apart. Hopefully we can see that this isn’t the solution and steps we need to take. We need to take a more thoughtful approach and implementing a policy, law etc. that will keep the criminals and mentally ill from owning guns and committing these acts of violence. Gun laws only keep the honest man honest, not the criminals. No right is worth taking away when it takes away the memories away from some people, which is the only thing you take with you when you die. One solution people say is background checks, but they are a set of rules and if you have certain infractions you can’t buy a gun. They are basically a set

The author's comments:
I had to write a argument essay for English and this was one that fit in with my hunting/ gun recreational experience.

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