You Know | Teen Ink

You Know

October 17, 2013
By piemaster157 BRONZE, Centerville, Ohio
piemaster157 BRONZE, Centerville, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You know how the time flies when you're having fun?
That period of time that you think about nothing else except what you're doing.
You hang out with your friends,
play games,
eat food,
and have just plain fun.

But you're oblivious to what's happening in outside world.
The Earth is practically dieing and we can't really do anything about it.
The government is turning on its self
causing a government shutdown.
Something that hasn't happened in seventeen years.

People are losing their jobs because of the economy.
Causing them to go homeless and starving.
Their children really can't get a good education because their parents don't have enough money.
Causing the poor population to increase because they can't get good jobs to support their family.

We are polluting the Earth,
killing it.
One part at a time.
Everyone wants to destroy the forest to make more room for us to live,
But there are abandoned houses everywhere.
That we can move into saving animals from our harm.
All we're doing is killing helpless animals habitats causing them to become endangered.

Our world is dieing.
From the lack of trees.
From us expanding our living areas.
From us digging up fossil fuels.

All we are doing is killing everything.
For our benefit.
For better lives.
But there are helpless people and animals that we are hurting too.

You know.
You know what's happening and you're just sitting there.
Reading or listening to this.
You should be out there helping,
not just staying in your own world.
Help is all we need.

The author's comments:
I got inspired to write this piece by looking at our world around us. It just came to me.

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