The knowledge to Stand Up | Teen Ink

The knowledge to Stand Up

November 8, 2013
By ashdashhaha BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
ashdashhaha BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Public Education is the most beautiful program and it is the most repulsive program. Each year millions of children attend the over 98,800 public schools existing in the United States. The schools strive for academic excellence while additionally teaching students the morals of life, and guiding them in the aspects of a social life. Here students determine the type of person they become and what asset to society they produce.

The beauty of public education resides in the fact that everyone has the opportunity to the gift of knowledge. It is the most powerful tool anyone can have, and it is the key to all success. Education is the very instrument that guarantees everyone a life of happiness and fulfillment. The way you care for your education as a child determines the very life you are destine to live. There is power in knowledge because knowledge stimulates the mind and develops a population that changes the course of the world.

Schools remain the very facility that teach everyone the ropes to social interaction. Ultimately, the first place we learn to make friends and learn the ways to treat others exists at school. The con to public education consists in the way we are forced to conform in order to gain the amazing program of education, which remains a right to everyone. Children must conform to fit in, in order to avoid things like bullying, judgement, and ridicule. Children will make fun of anyone that appears to be different or weird because they simply do not know them. The kids that decide to not conform and stand upon remaining different result in devastating things like suicide and running away. They give up on trying to become someone they are not, and they reject the miracle of life to avoid any further judgement.

Rather than shaping children like mold, children should create their own mold of themselves. In order to do so schools should strive to teach students how to be open minded and have greater respect for those around them. This is the very generation that creates the future of tomorrow and actions need to be taken to reject the idea of conformity in school and replace it with nonconformity. Nonconformity persists as the only way we realize who we strive to become, and creates individuals that determine the ways of the future.

The author's comments:
This piece was for a transcendentalist project at school.

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