sharing too much on social networks needs to stop | Teen Ink

sharing too much on social networks needs to stop

January 6, 2014
By rusell BRONZE, Willamsport, Pennsylvania
rusell BRONZE, Willamsport, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sharing too much on social networks needs to stop
Do you think teen these days share too much on social networks? Well I’m here to tell you yes!
The three reasons I have are; anyone can take your photos and send them to other people or put them on the Internet for everyone to see.
My second reason is people are able to post things like a status other people might comment mean or inappropriate things.
My opponents may argue that they can post what they want they to post on their social network.
I disagree because if you post something inappropriate pictures that people can see.
My third and final reason is people that post things like where they are at and what they are doing predators’ ,serial killers can find your location and come break in and rob your house or kidnap you or even worse kill you.
Some may argue that gps system on social networks are important when you are lost people can find you.
Here is its weakness. If having a gps is important to you then you should have it on your phone and not on your social networks.
So teens and young adalts need to be careful with your gps on any social networks and keep checking you privacy settings.

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