Why Gun Control | Teen Ink

Why Gun Control

January 7, 2014
By Anonymous

Remind me. Please enlighten me. What was that thing, the arrangement of such intricate, meaningful words inscribed on our Constitution, the one stating the right for individuals to bear arms in the United States of America? Oh yeah… I can recall, the Second Amendment. As citizens of this nation, we have established the full right to bear arms for protection, yet gun control activists, people who desire to ban gun distribution and possession, insist we would be living a safer life without guns, even though that task has yet to be accomplished in countries that have already banned guns. Gun control is a worldwide controversy consisting of many positions; however, it is unnecessary for a country where freedom is one of the top priorities and is openly practiced.

Gun control is a law and regulation that controls who own guns. It is an unnecessary restriction to minimize the number of firearms in a certain location. Many countries throughout the world have imposed gun control laws and regulations such as United Kingdom, China, Australia, Israel and Canada. Anti-Gun control is when individuals support the use and purpose of guns. Because guns are legal, they are a part of peoples’ lifestyle. For some, guns are a business, even a tradition, a sport or even a hobby. It is imperative that guns remain legal so we will not experience an increase in crimes and have a promised freedom erased from the Constitution.

Guns are essential because they provide a sense of security, a sense of reassurance to individuals. Typically, people own guns just in case something disastrous were to happen. According to David Lampto, who is George and Sadie Hyman Professor of China Studies at Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, states “people use guns more than two million times a year for protection.” Police officers and well-trained militia will not always be at that location when something catastrophic is to occur. The possibility and chance remain highly unlikely, almost impossible. Guns are essential because people can provide themselves with protection, whenever the need may arise. There are approximately seven billion people living on this planet and counting. Do you really think that the police are going to be located at every corner of every block, just glancing out into the distance, waiting for a shooting to break out, so they can quickly halt further action?

The creation and effectiveness of gun control regulations are themselves causing the establishment of unnecessary complications. The idea and the practice of gun control is pushing people to illegally attain guns. Because guns are difficult to attain illegally, individuals believe that they will receive recognition for being one of the few people to illegally purchase them. “According to Chuck Baldwin, who is an American politician and apart of the Constitutional party, states that twelve deaths were caused at a gun free zone.” Since the region was gun controlled, individuals were unable to defend themselves. To make matters ever worse, gun control activists are claiming that the banning of guns are reducing crime rate, yet this event occurred in a community that claimed to be “gun free.”

States that allow people to carry guns have a much lower crime rate than those that do not. Crime rates increase because certain people want to prove to the government that nothing will stop them from continuing to accomplish their desires, even with the restrictions established. According to David Lampto, “there has been a 24% lower violent crime rate, a 19% decrease in murders and 39% decrease in robberies because of guns.” With guns, crimes rate, murders and robberies have decreased. Why should we ban guns if they are not the cause of all the destruction individuals claim they create?

Gun control activists argue that guns are causing violent crimes because they can be easily attained, so in order to halt further crimes, we should ban them. However, in countries such as England and Australia, crimes involving guns increased as a result of the ban. According to Giacamo, “in Australia, murders committed with guns increased by 19%, home invasions increased by 21%, assaults committed with guns increased by 28%, and armed robberies skyrocketed with an increase of 69%.” Gun control activist promised the safety of the country would increase because these horrific weapons were out of the hands of citizens however, the exact opposite occurred. How is it possible that gun committed crimes increased even though they were banned? Simple, they were illegally purchased. If we allow gun control in the United States, the undistinguishable outcome will once again occur in yet another country that promised to fulfill the desires of gun control activists.

In conclusion, guns control is unable to sojourn all the turmoil occurring throughout states, the country and even the world. Gun control is not the answer because with it comes the creation of additional unnecessary predicaments and complications. Throughout the world, gun control is causing more problems rather than solving them, so why take away a peoples’ right, an object that reassures protection, and create a regulation so many contradict? We do not want yet another country to resemble the outcome of Australia and England, once they too banned guns, right? Yet, if you do, by all means, continue; just know that this country without guns will never be as safe as it stands today.

Works Cited
Lampto, David. "Gun Control: Myths and Realities." Cato Institute. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Dec. 2013.
Baldwin, Chuck. "Guns Don't Kill People: People Kill People." Renew America (21 Sept. 2013): n. pag. Guns Don't Kill People; Gun Control Laws Kill People. Web. 15 Dec. 2013.
Giacamo. "Australian Gun Ban Resulted in Higher Gun Violence." World Public Union. N.p., 5 Apr. 2013. Web. 15 Dec. 2013.
Koehler, Mike. "Countries With Strong Gun Control Compared to the U.S. | EHow." EHow. Demand Media, 31 Mar. 2011. Web. 15 Dec. 2013.

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