Concaeld Carry | Teen Ink

Concaeld Carry

March 25, 2014
By CupOJoe BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
CupOJoe BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The concealed carry law would not help keep guns under control because criminals would use them even after the law is set in motion, then all the law would be doing is taking away protection from the law abiding citizens. According to ProCon if a criminal thinks a person is armed, they are less likley to attack them. A person may also feel safer to go outside at night, or in dangerous parts of cities. The government cannot guarantee safety of its citizens. People buy guns and keep them in their homes incase they’re confronted, they can protect themselves. If we didn’t have this law it would only be taking weapons away from the law abiding citizens, because criminals will still have them and use them.

Carrying a concealed handgun could help end public shooting sprees. In fact concealed weapons are a non-lethal form of self defense the majority of the time. When someone draws a concealed gun, 55.5% of the time the attacker will retreat. An FBI analysis on the stats that accepted the concealed carry law found that the law reduced 8.5% of murders, 5% rapes, 7% aggravated assaults and 3% robberies. This law helps to reduce crime and random shootings because people know that anyone could have a gun. How ever it allows criminals to buy a permit.

Concealed carry is a great law and should not be taken down because its not causing harm its keeping it from happening. This law is helping to keep people from being mugged and robbed on the street because a criminal doesn’t know who has a gun and who doesn’t. For the people who don’t think this is a very good law, think again and look at a website that tells you the pro’s that this law is doing. If I had to name one of the the good things this law is helping to do it be that 200,000 times a year women use a gun to defend themselves against sexual abuse. Sure there might be some accidents but if you look at the good of this law you really see its not that bad of a law.

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on Apr. 10 2014 at 9:59 am
GrimReaper BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Only the dead see the end of war"-Plato
"All the worlds a stage and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits, and their entrances, and one person in their time, plays many parts"-William Shakespeare

Did you mean "Concealed" by chance?