Why I'm I a Conservative? | Teen Ink

Why I'm I a Conservative?

April 23, 2014
By Tess_Barnes97 BRONZE, Viera, Florida
Tess_Barnes97 BRONZE, Viera, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why I’m I conservative? It’s simple. I believe in a thing called liberty. Liberty can be defined as the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority. As of now, our liberty is being threatened by our government. Such as the assault weapons ban of that Obama Administration was trying to impose upon the citizens of the United States. I can assure you that if firearms were banned across the country, criminals would still find a way to get a hold of them. All the assault weapons ban would do is make law abiding citizens more vulnerable to crime. Our right to keep and bear arms is set in stone in our 2nd amendment and that right shall not be infringed upon by a tyrannical government. The idea of gun control is not to take away guns, its control in general. Why is it that every up and coming dictator started with a gun ban? Because they wanted to control their society. Our Founding Fathers created a government where every law abiding citizen of the United States could play a role in the government. They intended it to be where a citizen could do their time in government and then step down. Government was never intended to be a career, It was more of a service to your country. But today’s reality is the exact opposite. Today we see Republicans and Democrats fighting over what we should do about unemployment, the economy, and the granddaddy of all issues healthcare. To me, and the majority of America would probably say that Obamacare is a disaster. I would love to see everyone in America have healthcare, but the reality is not everybody wants it. It’s absolutely ridiculous to tell someone that they must have healthcare when they don’t want it. The Obama Administration has preached this past month that they reached their goal of 15 million Americans that are now assured by Obamacare, but those numbers are completely screwed. When you enter the Healthcare Marketplace online, before you can even apply for healthcare you have to sign up for the website. So that 15 million Americans the Obama Administration has been claiming that is insured, is completely false. The number of citizens that is actually covered is about 7 million because they are only counting the number of people that have signed up for the website. The population of the United States is about 317 million, so do you think 7 million Americans covered is an accomplishment? I am neither a Republican nor Democrat. I am a proud conservative. I do not believe the government should be involved with our lives by telling us how we should protect ourselves or how we should take care of ourselves. The only job of the government is to uphold the rights of our Constitution and if that government fails to do so, then they can be overturned.

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