The Clock | Teen Ink

The Clock

September 17, 2015
By Anonymous

On September 13th, 2015 a 9th grade student by the name of Ahmed Mohamed was arrested for bringing a clock he built to school.  He brought to clock to school to show to his teachers and friends, which was followed by the school calling the police saying that Mohamed's clock looked "like a movie bomb" and he was suspended from school and led out in handcuffs.  Soon the school's mistake was made clear: the clock was nothing more than a clock.  Following the release of this information the school sent out a letter that blamed the victim and that said they did nothing wrong.  Many people were infuriated by this and claim racial profiling, which may not be far off.


Consider if the name of the student was John Taylor. If he was a 'nerdy' looking white male with braces and glasses. If this were the case, perhaps the situation wouldn't have been drastic or concerning at all.  But the student's name is Ahmed Mohamed. He has brown skin and some disturbed individuals of his nationality have instigated terrorist attacks before.  None of this justifies the suspension and arrest of an innocent high school student.  Many argue that the school officials should have talked to the student like a human being first, and that surely high school science teachers should be able to tell the difference between a clock and a bomb.  Surely what happened to Mohamed was wrong but was it understandable on the school's part?  This is an ongoing debate that seems to have no end in the foreseeable future.

The author's comments:

I aspire to be a journalist and this is just a practice article. Critiques appreciated but no hate please.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Sep. 23 2015 at 6:40 pm
JetSchwartz BRONZE, Unkown, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 5 comments
I noticed a few spelling errors, but besides that, I loved your article. Your article informs, but also makes a point.