The Unfortunate Story of a Once Free Nation | Teen Ink

The Unfortunate Story of a Once Free Nation

October 7, 2015
By Anonymous

Recently, I have been developing a huge interest in politics. In April I heard two men at a soccer field discussing the intentions of Democrats and found out that I really didn’t know were I stood politically. That night I went home and did a lot of research and took a lot of “political quizzes” and mostly came out as a Libertarian Conservative. When I looked at a “how I compare to other Americans” category, I noticed that I was always a minority in supporting absolute gun rights. I knew from reading it and hearing it that the 2nd amendment is right in the Constitution and protects the right of people to own a gun or as the 2nd amendment states clearly “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” Almost everyone has heard this at one time or another, yet most say right after they hear a pro-gun argument “but that was two-hundred and fifty years ago” or “but people die because of guns.” Both those statements are true but there are many reasons why this should have no effect on our precious Constitutional right.

Throughout the 18th century, increasingly more colonists began to abandon their once nationalistic attitude for a new ideology, which was a separation from the British empire. While the nationalists still controlled the colonies, it was too dangerous for people to oppose because the Brits didn’t have freedom of speech and minority opinions were dangerous to have at the time. Overtime, the Patriots outnumbered the nationalists, which soon led to the starting of the American Revolution. The Patriots fought for their independence for many reasons, such as freedom of speech, religion, press, and the right for all men to bear arms. Although gun rights were only a small part of the Revolution, it still was an important and unquestioned part.

When historians and the vast majority of people look back to describe the men who fought for our independence, they would probably use words like “brave” or “determined”. The patriots were true in their intentions to create a truly beautiful nation of democracy where “all men are created equal.” They were strong in their belief that no matter who you were or were you came from, you were entitled to own a gun. If our founding fathers and all the Patriots of early America could see what some modern politicians are trying to do to restrict or even abolish our second amendment, they would be disgusted to a degree unimaginable. Even when the left-leaning liberals say that they loved our history and that they loved the people who fought for our freedom, they still try to separate the country into a “then” America and a “now” America by saying that the world has changed and guns have gotten much more dangerous, meaning we need to restrict them. Restricting guns will only restrict the rights of the 99.99% of responsible owners and will only make the criminals and insane people get their guns illegally instead of by the system. People must remember the beauty of our Bill of Rights and recognize that this is a country that was founded so people could bear arms. If you want gun control then you should go and live in any country in Europe or in any other "peace" nations but don't try to take away the true Patriotic rights that many Americans are proud to have and say they have.

The author's comments:

I'm a little bit right leaning...

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