Stars, Stripes, and The American Dream | Teen Ink

Stars, Stripes, and The American Dream

November 5, 2015
By Anonymous

As celebrated every November, people first came here on the Mayflower Compact in search of a better life. At the time, people were unsure of what they would find here or if it would actually be “better”, but luck was on their side and they established 13 colonies. These 13 grew independent and gained territory to become the nation we live in now. To this day, Americans admit that their lives are indeed better than the lives of people in most other countries.

Many immigrants come to America every day for the same reason the pilgrims came all those years ago -  hopes of success. When America’s history is seen, everything it stands for comes down to just that - success. Some of the world’s greatest inventions were made here. We have won every major war we have been in. We are currently the richest, strongest, and one of the most patriotic nations on Earth. Our success is incorporated with the American flag.

The American Flag . . . 13 stripes to celebrate the first batch of states. . .  50 stars to represent how far we’ve come since then (all of which are pointing up), perhaps to symbolize our constant progress or (guessing that William Taft, the president that set the design for the modern flag, was religious) even a divine blessing. The American flag is recognized worldwide as the symbol of our country, which in turn is recognized as a symbol of bravery, strength, and freedom - and if America also stands for success, the flag also stands for success as well.

Since America itself has become symbolic of success, any of America’s symbols can represent this  - eagles, the Statue of Liberty, and Uncle Sam, among others. However, a flag is supposed to be the #1 symbol of the country, being carried everywhere where authorities go to represent it, like a mobile ambassador. With this in mind, the flag is naturally the most important symbol of the USA. A symbol of our success to foreigner, and a symbol of pride, hard work and wealth from the success to an American.

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