Sport Drugs | Teen Ink

Sport Drugs

January 8, 2016
By FultonV BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
FultonV BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Before he was the governor, before Conan, Schwarzenegger was a pro body builder. He has admitted to using PEDs, although he claims that at the time they were in fact legal.” (“CBS Local”) PEDs or other Drugs are just plain unfair and is the reason that it was banned in sports. I believe that drugs that are used in sports because it puts players health at risk.

First, using of drugs in sport could make you have a bad  reputation on a player. Athletes that are using these sport drug are making it looking okay to use to younger kids.When kids get older they may want to try PEDs or other sport drugs just because there favorite athlete did, and they look up to that player.”....  athletes who use them are cheaters who gain an unfair advantage, violate the spirit of competition, and send the wrong message to children..”(“Drug Use in Sports -”). These drugs are just overpowered period. According to (“Drug Use in Sports -”)“ that using drugs is part of the evolution of sports much like improved training techniques and new technologies.” “Performance enhancing drugs can be regarded in four classes: androstenedione, creatine, anabolic steroids, and ephedra  alkaloids.”(“Abuse of Drugs to Enhance Sports Performance: Winning at Any Cost :: Nationwide Children’s Hospital”) Just as says “all of these drugs are available over the counter…” Which would be as easy to get as a bag of candy no procishion needed. This is just one of many reasons that drugs should not be used in sports.

Next, players that use thes sport drugs could be at risk. (PEDs) in sports argue that their harmful health effects have been overstated”(“Drug Use in Sports -”) These PEDs are harmful to the body that is one of the main reasons that the NFL banned player from being able to use them. The deposit gets stuck in the brain, the result could be a stroke(“U.S. Anti-Doping Agency - USADA”).  Heart attacks and strokes could possibly kill you. If not kill you they could even paralyze parts or even your whole body.That was another one of many reasons PEDs should not be used in sports.

Finally, my last reason that sport drugs should not be used in sports is that it is just plain unfair to the teams oppenesist. The player that are taking the drugs will be 10x speed , strength etc. If you are 10 strength and speed and other major skills more the other players it could possibly injure the other players or even you. “... Remember that athletes don't take these drugs to level the playing field they do it to get an advantage.” (Richard Pound) People that are taking them for this cost will succeed because sport drugs (PEDs) can make you better than an average player. According to (“eMedicineHealth - Experts in Everyday Emergencies, First Aid and Health Information”) “The goal of taking anabolic steroids is to increase muscle mass.” Which will not be good in sports or fair to have more strength than others without the work.

People may disagree with my opinion that PEDs and other sport drugs should be banned and they say otherwise. People that disagree with me may say that PEDs and other sport drugs may be better to watch if everyone was extra pumped. Having players having extra speed and strength may be a big danger. These PEDs do not help with a broken arm or concussion because that's what may happen if two pumped players run head to head in football. Others may say players  gens that already  tall and strong are better already so why not let some use these PEDs to be like the other players. Players that are taller than others usually would not come in tact with smaller players. Like in basketball the point guard will not normally be guarding the center. The stronger part can be solved by other players by hitting the gym more. Not everyone that uses these PEDs get hurt or have ab hurt attack. Any drug that puts your heart or health at risk anytime you take it may not best choose. So I would not allow or try these sport drugs.

After all of these facts i still believe that PEDs should not be used in sports. When you make it into the NFL or any other real sport just know you will not have to worry about any other overpowered and speed player running towards you.
Work cite
“Abuse of Drugs to Enhance Sports Performance: Winning at Any Cost :: Nationwide Children’s Hospital.” N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Jan. 2016.
“CBS Local.” N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Jan. 2016.
“Drug Use in Sports -” N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Jan. 2016.
“eMedicineHealth - Experts in Everyday Emergencies, First Aid and Health Information.” N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Jan. 2016.
“U.S. Anti-Doping Agency - USADA.” U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA). N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Jan. 2016.

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