Drones in the Sky | Teen Ink

Drones in the Sky

January 16, 2017
By Kji22 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Kji22 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In our gigantic world people like to use drones but do not see what is wrong with using them.  In the past this was not a problem but know drones are.  While drones can give people great photos drones are very dangerous, to planes in the sky.  Drones are important for other types of attacking for the military and to help get to places that people can not.  Drones are hurting people and starting to go too far with looking into people’s homes.  Some say that drones are really good for people and drones help people throughout the world.  Others say, drones are hurting firefighting planes, flying too high and running into planes as they come down to land on the runway.  People think that these drones are the reason they are watching people and stealing personal information.  Though this may be drones need to follow the rules that are given because if they do not there will be consequences when this happens.  Drones need to be in the right flying areas because drones are flying in and looking at people.  Many people can fly where they want but really need to think of where they are flying.  As this develops there are still thoughts of how drones can support the police.  But with more drones there are concerns with will they be safe.

Specifically in our gigantic world people like to use drones but do not see what is wrong with using them.  In the past this was not a problem but know drones are.  While drones can give people great photos drones are very dangerous, to planes in the sky.  Drones are important for other types of attacking for the military and to help get to places that people can not. Many drones are not following the rules and they are able to go farther but are damaging the way they were meant to be used.  As drones become more improved people are buying them which is causing a huge thought of what the drone world can do.  Many drones give benefit maybe people should think of what they really do to other people not getting the greatest photo is the best option for people.  Is this worth the lives of others so people can fly peopler drones.  Unmanned aircraft(drones) are very dangerous while they are useful they still have a huge effect on people in the sky.  So when there are drones flying that means that the planes have to be careful to where they fly in the sky.  “Thrasher suddenly identified the object as a drone only 10 feet from his windshield.  The unmanned aircraft forced him to make a hard left to avoid a collision, according to a report he filed the next day,” Small drones causing big problems for firefighting planes.  We need to set limits to how high these drones can fly up in the air.  “Drones are really just Unnamed Aerial Vehicles (UAVS),” (Page 1, Newsela, This privacy debate could drone on).  Drones need to be safe and make sure that people fly at a safe level. 

In our gigantic world people like to use drones but do not see what is wrong with using them.  In the past this was not a problem but know drones are.  While drones can give people great photos drones are very dangerous, to planes in the sky.  Drones are important for other types of attacking for the military and to help get to places that people can not.  “The world of drones is expanding but the risk is still really high.  People will still fly drones but they do not see the risk to fly the drone,”(Newsela, Many questions about using drones but no answers yet).  “The United States forest service has counted 13 wildfires in which drones, might have been the risk factor.”  “Such cameras pick up body heat, allowing for night vision and the detection of hidden figures.  These camera are called thermal cameras.”  (Page 2, Newsela, This privacy debate could drone on).  In September, Russell Percenti of Lower Township, New Jersey, became so angry at his neighbor for flying a drone over his house that he shot the drone down with a shotgun.  Percenti was arrested and charged with unlawful possession of a weapon and criminal mischief,” (Page 3, Newsela More people are buying drones for fun, but they need to be safe too).  Yes, these are all very bad and the wrong decision people did them any ways.  While drones give a lot of benefit to helping find people that is a little weird that these drones are doing this and, people are doing this.  As drones get better drones still bring joy to people when people get them as a gift.  These drones should be taken or set at a flying height that people can not pass.  Drones have become the future in taking photos and looking at a new angle but people drones see what they might endanger when doing so.   

Therefore in our gigantic world people like to use drones but do not see what is wrong with using them.  In the past this was not a problem but know drones are.  While drones can give people great photos drones are very dangerous, to planes in the sky.  Drones are important for other types of attacking for the military and to help get to places that people can not.While these drones have been seen in different parts of the world like one story on (Newsela on page 1, Many questions about using drones but no answers yet); “The pilotless aircraft have been used in disasters zones in Haiti and the Philippines.”  These drones are useful to provide help in other areas.  While drones give bring goods for people everywhere.  These drones are leading to spying and even looking at where people live.  Looking to close for comfort.  “Several laws are being put in place to ban the collecting and sorting of personal information,” Many questions about using drones, but no answers yet, (Page 2 Newsela).  People not going to areas on foot using their drones to fly over people, parks, and attractions to see these parks from a bird's eye view.  On page 2 (Amazon amis for drones deliveries,but it won’t be overnight), “but more drones in the skies bring problems to airplanes, pilots, tourist to the national parks and even pedestrians that might even need to be safe just walking.” Drones are controlled by computers or people on the ground that will fly them around to get photos of different things that could get them big money if the photo where to be printed.  As a matter of fact yes, help the police that means more of them in the sky means more accidents happen and people get hurt.  Some of these drones can be as large as planes when needed.  Some drones are as small as a toy car but the larger drones are the more damage these drones can do.  “Amazon’s plan is yet another example of how drones could transform everyday life.  The manufacturer’s machines ability to carry water to a wildfire, monitor storm systems, or locate missing persons.  They could even deliver pizza.” (Newsela).  “Most drone operators who flew near wildfires were probably unaware of the dangers, said McNeal.  Others are “Straight reckless,” he said. Drones usually carry cameras, and operators perhaps wanted to get pictures of wildfires in order to sell them.”  (Many questions but no answers yet).  So these drones have advantages drones still have many disadvantages if people were flying a drone for the first time.

Furthermore in our gigantic world people like to use drones but do not see what is wrong with using them.  In the past this was not a problem but know drones are.  While drones can give people great photos drones are very dangerous, to planes in the sky.  Drones are important for other types of attacking for the military and to help get to places that people can not. Yes, help the police that means more of them in the sky means more accidents happen and people get hurt.  Drones do give a full variety of options for people to see the world innocent people will get hurt. Drones can carry items to different places like amazon’s drone delivery service.  Think about the way we can get are packages faster if we have a drone taking the package not a person something that is flying. This would benefit the way we did these things in the future.  These drones will make small drop offs to homes around the United States and will help the website Amazon.  “Jeff Bezos is the CEO of Amazon.   He said in an interview Sunday on CBS’s “60 Minutes” news program that Amazon hopes to use drones to make same day deliveries within five years of FAA approval.”  Amazon aims for drone deliveries, but it won't be overnight; (Page 1, Newsela).  Yes, drones can deliver food and packages think about the way they could be used if they hit something then what happens.       

Therefore in our gigantic world people like to use drones but do not see what is wrong with using them.  In the past this was not a problem but know drones are.  While drones can give people great photos drones are very dangerous, to planes in the sky.  Drones are important for other types of attacking for the military and to help get to places that people can not.  Many drones give benefit maybe people should think of what they really do to other people not getting the greatest photo is the best option for people.  Is this worth the lives of others?  Drones damage the way people do these different things drones do help when areas are to hard to reach.  While that is a big benefit, still is hard to do this if there is a person that needs fight help from another person.  Drones might be useful when trying to see the problem in the air.  These drones hurt people such as airplane pilots and even looking at people through their home windows.  A good way to stop this might even being able to ban drones in some areas that will not allow the drones to fly in that area.  Unmanned aircraft (drones) are very dangerous while drones are useful they still have a huge effect on people in the sky.  Think about people's own privacy in people's home and there is a drone outside of people window.  Someone is watching people being watched from the outside window.  So drones should not be allowed to fly in some areas that are not allowed for drones to fly?

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