Should Refugees be Allowed in the United States? | Teen Ink

Should Refugees be Allowed in the United States?

January 16, 2017
By lvj22 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
lvj22 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The refugee crisis is a situation the United States citizens think about each day, though there are varying opinions on whether refugees should be allowed into the United States in the first place.  The United States citizens need to educate themselves on the sides of this crisis, and form an opinion.  Many argue that the act of letting refugees into the United States should be discontinued because of the dangers it causes citizens and the inconvenience to the United States citizens.  Many others argue that allowing the refugees into the country is a safe process, a chance for the refugees to be successful, and part of the United States culture.  Refugees should be allowed to freely enter the United States for many reasons.

One reason the refugees should be allowed in the country is, it is a part of the United States’s culture and tradition.  For a while now the United States has allowed refugees into the country.  It is the United states tradition to welcome the refugees into the country.  However, that idea has become not as important to everyday Americans. On the Statue of Liberty there are words inscribed.  “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breath free.” This small section proves how it is part of the United States culture and tradition, to help anyone who is struggling, including the refugees.  From the article “PRO/CON: Should State Governors be Able to Reject Syrian Refugees” it states, on page one,“Every governor knows this is a country of immigrants with a long and cherished tradition of helping refugees.” This proves that it has always been a part of culture, in the United States.

Another reason the United States should allow refugees into the country is, it is safe. First of all, the United States have a screening process, and can locate the backgrounds of the refugees entering.  The United States only allow those who are known to be safe into the country.  In the article “PRO/CON: Should State Governors be Able to Reject Syrian Refugees”, it states, on page two, “about half of these refugees are children, another quarter are elderly.” This proves that the refugees are not going to try and harm the citizens, the refugees are simply looking for safety.  It also states on page two, “Almost all of the adults are either mothers or couples coming with children.” This also shows how those who are entering seem to be children and family, looking for a new, safer home.  Even President Obama said about the issue, “Apparently they are afraid of widows and orphans.”

Another reason the United States should accept more refugees is it gives the refugees a chance at success.  In the article “U.S. Will Accept More Refugees But Security Rules Will Limit How Many” a syrian woman says, on page two, “I personally came here in search of a future.” This shows how the refugees are not coming to the country to harm the citizens.  In the article “Child Migrants to U.S. Try to Escape Central American Turmoil”, a man says, on page two, “The only option was to leave the country or join the rival gang.” This shows that when the United States citizens reject the refugees, the refugees are left with no hope in their land.

Although there are various reasons citizens might think that allowing refugees into the country is not a smart idea, there are facts that may make the United States citizens rethink this claim.  One reason is the effect this crisis could have on economy.  The citizens have theories the refugees are going to end up in poverty.  But that is not necessarily true.  In the article “Our Technological Advances Haven’t Helped Solve Refugee Dilemma”, the writers say, on page two, “Yet the majority of the refugees had internet access.” This shows how the refugees are catching on to life in the United States, despite the citizens tendency to think the refugees end up in poverty.

There are varying opinions on whether refugees should be allowed into the country, for various reasons. Safety is a priority the citizens have to think about, but the children and family looking for a home are not going to harm the citizens.  Although citizens of the United States might have worries about letting refugees into the country, the citizens know the process is safe, helpful, effective, and tradition.  The citizens of the United States should look into other options, other than rejecting the refugees.  The United States should allow refugees into the country.

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