Safety Measure or Racial Profiling? | Teen Ink

Safety Measure or Racial Profiling?

January 30, 2017
By sophia3 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
sophia3 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Since 9/11, everyone agrees that the U.S. needs to take reasonable precautions to prevent events like the attack on the twin towers from happening again. What people don't agree on is how we should go about it. A few days ago, President Trump signed an executive order which banned the entry of any refugee waiting for resettlement in the U.S. for the next 120 days at least. It also banned people from seven muslim countries- Iraq, Iran,Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Libya, and Yemen- from entering for the next 90 days. They are prevented from entering the U.S. no matter what the status of their visa. I don't believe this is the way to prevent terrorism. The bill will not achieve its goal of eliminating terrorism & will only spread feelings of ill will throughout muslim countries. This act from Trump is very racist and immoral. It is harmful to muslims and many Americans. I don't believe he should be allowed to go through with it.

I don't believe Trump should be allowed to ban anyone from muslim countries for many reasons. For one, most of the muslims that were detained in airports had valid documentation. Trump had no legal authority to keep them there. He also had no legitimate reason to believe that they were terrorists. Another reason he shouldn't be allowed to ban all muslims it that it is not ethical. Hundreds of thousands of innocent people are suffering due to  war overseas and Trump just wants to close the door on them. The ban on immigration affects Americans as well as muslims. It could exacerbate the U.S. doctor shortage which in turn hurt thousands of Americans. 260 people from the 7 countries affected by Trumps executive order were seeking medical residency In America. Those residents could be seeing 3,000 patients each. At least ¼ of practicing physicians are also international graduates. Banning refugees and all people from  muslim countries would drastically add to the shortage of doctors, which would hurt many Americans.

While many people don't agree with the executive order, some people believe it is a good thing. They believe it is a profound shift in U.S. counter-terrorism tactics. They also believe it is the best way to keep Americans safe. One Trump supporter said, “I believe that President Trump is doing exactly what he campaigned on. He was elected president and now he is delivering the goods. People in America want to be safe.” Those who agree with the ban on refugee immigration believe it will drastically cut down on terrorist attacks.

Anyone who agrees with Trumps executive order needs to look at the facts. This is not the best way to keep Americans safe. There is no proof that any of these people are connected to terrorism in any way. Along with the moral issue of not telling the refugees into America, there are have been more incidents of terrorism caused by Americans than by foreigners since 9/11. There are also about 15,000 Syrian refugees in America and none of them have been involved in terrorist plots. There are about 785,000 refugees in America now, & 3 have been charged with plotting terrorist attacks. Checking every muslim refugee that comes into American is going to do nothing.  Over 99% of muslims coming into America are not connected to terrorism in any way, so stopping them makes no sense.

In conclusion, Trump’s executive order to ban all refugees and immigrants/people from muslim countries is wrong and just  plain racist. Since 9/11, there have hardly been any terrorist plots from people in muslim countries. Assuming that every muslim is a terrorist is the most messed up thing I could imagine. You can't ban a whole group of people because of what they look like, or who they worship.If someone is looking for a safe place to go you should not deny them help. If you're going to blame immigrants for wanting to leave their country, maybe you should look at the reason they want to leave in the first place.

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