Generational Change | Teen Ink

Generational Change

March 7, 2018
By Anonymous

Have you ever noticed people in a different generation acting very different from your generation or even the generation before you? It's obvious that with time the world around you changes. It’s not only the cars and technology changing, the people are changing. With every generation new trends, ways to dress, music and popular things change. All the changes around a person makes them have different morals than the people in the generation before them. With these different morals and outlooks on life the new generations have very different attitudes to generations before them. Due to the different attitudes and morals the newer generations seem to become more disrespectful and lack self awareness. For an example I was in target one day and there were these younger kids probably in like 6th or 7th grade sitting in the furniture loudly playing a really graphic song. These kids were asked to leave by a Target employ and while they were walking out they said something sarcastically to two women, the women were probably in their thirties, which frustrated the women. In response to the kids sarcastic comment one women said that they were, “disrespectful little sh*t’s”. These kids turned around and said an extremely offense, disrespectful and vulgar thing, “Go suck a c***,”. I couldn’t believe it I would never say anything like that to a grown up it is extremely disrespectful and unacceptable. Although this was such a terrible thing the said the response from the women doesn’t seem to be the best, they said that they, “We do suck c***,”. Now this response does not prove the point the the women were trying to make but instead gives the kids a reaction that makes them feel like they did nothing wrong. Now i don’t know who raised these kids but they need to be taught some manners.

Now you may be thinking that there are just rude people in life, but it seems that the newer generations are just getting more disrespectful and lack manners. Now the real questions is why though? This question is hard to answer because it appears to be a lot of different things that intertwine into one. It starts with the parents. I don’t think this is the biggest reason though. This is due to the fact that parents try their best and when the parents begin to let more things slide the kids start to feel like they can get away with more. The second reason is society. Society seems to be getting so much more competitive and people seem to not care about others. Also its technology. With all the different ways to communicate through social media and phones people in newer generations seem to not have as good social skills. This is a reason why new generations have become ruder because they don’t know how to express themselves in real life they only know how to express feelings through emojis. We need to make a change so people can interact in a positive way.

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