Miss. Discrimination | Teen Ink

Miss. Discrimination

May 6, 2013
By Xandy BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
Xandy BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Many people in the world view pageant girls as simply, girls. Girls who should not open up their mouth. Girls who are better seen than heard. Girls that are something good to look at. Miss. America is some disgusting show that some boys watch just for the girls. Some will give this opinion more than others. Sometimes hearing rude comments on the radio, television, or I even had a teacher say the girls "should not open their mouths" in class. This is beyond wrong. These are women. My mother competed in pageants for several years. She just wanted to go to Miss. America. She did. It was not easy. After hearing her stories, stories of her friends and with one of the state managers, it is not an easy task at all. These are some of the most intelligent-role models I have ever meet. These girls have to know about what is going on around them and be able to give speeches about it. Once they win a state title or even Miss. America they travel the country or their state talking about their platform, some type of issue that they firmly believe in. They try to make a change. Not only by giving talks about it, but serving in whatever way possible. When the show is aired on television there are not that many interviews. The interviews are the most important part. They are not short, or basic. These women know what they are talking about and should not be discriminated against only because they are involved in pageants. Treat them with respect, they deserve it.

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This article has 1 comment.

Sallycheer17 said...
on May. 19 2013 at 12:29 pm
I love this and you are soo right!! Sorry about that rude teacher of yours, they had no right saying that! Continue expressing your feelings Xoxo