Supporting Equality | Teen Ink

Supporting Equality

December 17, 2013
By Timothy Hinds BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
Timothy Hinds BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
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A number of states have either passed gay marriage laws or are considering doing so, but many other states still ban same-sex marriage. 34 states still have amendments banning marriage for same-sex couples. The impacts of laws and discrimination are big hurdles to get over for homosexuals in achieving equality. Everyone needs to have the same marriage benefits. States need to support equality and implement laws to remove marriage restrictions.

Most gay men and women have remained in the closet until the modern movement for equality because homosexual behavior has been a crime throughout U.S. history. In 1986 the Supreme Court ruled that state laws prohibiting homosexual sodomy were not unconstitutional (“Gay and Lesbian Rights”). There are currently 34 states in the U.S. that it is illegal for homosexuals to get a marriage license. People have formed groups supporting equality to protest and encourage the government that all people should be given equal marriage rights. Without a marriage license, homosexual couples are not getting the rights of a traditional married couple. They can not be treated equally if they can not get the same rights as a traditional married couple. Separate is not equal. Marriage equality is a fundamental right. Same-sex couples cannot participate fully in our society if they are denied the legal rights and cultural privileges offered to heterosexual couples through marriage (“A Constitutional Amendment Against Gay Marriage Would Restrict Liberty”).

Homophobia drives gay men and women into fraudulent marriages. The pressure to conform, weight of discrimination, potential loss of cherished dreams, serving in the military, worshipping in church, getting job promotions, or raising kids propels many into marriages to which they otherwise would not commit (Michael Alvear). The pressure of being gay is a lot for someone to handle in society. Bullying and hate towards not just homosexuals, but people of different cultures, or religions can alter a person’s personality. A child in school with unique interests is different than the other students, but could be the one targeted by bullies for being different. Even if a child in school has two gay parents, they could still get bullied for that. This will continue only because our society is very close minded, religion has been involved in probably every discussion of gay marriage. Opponents of gay marriage for religious reasons argue that marriage is defined as a union between one man and one woman, citing the Christian bible for support (“Gay Marriage”). Officials in the Government should not base their decisions on their religions beliefs, it brings favoritism. If there is a vote on a bill to legalize gay marriage in the U.S., chances are the person that worships Christianity is going to have a biased vote. In an article from Luke Brinker, “A bakery came under fire for refusing to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple. The move comes after the couple at the center of the controversy filed a complaint against the bakery for violating the Oregon Equality Act of 2007. This act prohibits discrimination against individuals in employment, housing, and public accommodations.” Homosexuals are even getting discriminated against in business environments. Imagine a business agreement between two people where they have been partners for years. One is very passionate about their religion, and another secretly is hiding their homosexuality. If the person with homosexual feelings came out and made it known he/she was gay, that could impact their business relations. A business partner with very dedicated to their religion could be against a homosexual person because their bible says it is not okay. It is the same people making a business agreement as before, but since they differ in beliefs, that business agreement is void. All of these issues in our society can be solved with marriage equality.

Well, what would be the benefits of allowing homosexuals to get married?

Some people have the opinion that a child needs to have the childhood experiences of having a mother and a father. However, gay marriage could be the solution to the children in foster care. There are plenty of gay and lesbian families willing to adopt some of the hundred-thousands of kids languishing in institutions. But statutory bans and local judiciaries refusing to grant gay-adoption petitions impede them. There are over 500,000 children up for adoption just waiting for a couple to care for them (Michael Alvear). The impact of having two gay parents will not be as detrimental to a child’s life than having no parents at all. Still some kids with gay parents could go through different experiences and not know how to handle them if they do not both opinions of a mother and a father. However the consequences of letting those children suffer in orphanages is too severe to not give same-sex couples the chance to adopt. A lot of people have been hiding their emotions of homosexual preference. If same-sex marriage was legalized tomorrow, they can tell the world because our society would accept them. Without the fear of discrimination, anyone could come out of the closet and live an honest life where they are accepted. This is just the first step towards a society where anyone is accepted. Just think, anyone no matter what religion, gender, sexual orientation, or race, they could be accepted and treated equally. Gay marriage will not just benefit same-sex couples; it will benefit everyone. It will reduce divorces by preventing sham marriages, provide homes to the orphaned, protect the children of gay parents and revitalize distressed communities. It's one of those queer ironies: Gay marriage will strengthen heterosexual families (Michael Alvear).

States need to legalize gay marriage, homosexuals will continue to be controlled on how they can express themselves in society. People will continue to discriminate against others who are different, unless, states legalize equality. The positive impacts of adopting and no more discrimination, would outweigh the argument against gay marriage. Beliefs from religion against same-sex couples should be irrelevant. People should be treated equally and equality should be legalized in the United States of America.

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