Two stories. One topic | Teen Ink

Two stories. One topic

January 6, 2014
By Anonymous

Being bisexual can cause a lot for a young male or female. So for this article, I did a little research and asked some of my friends who are bisexual and then added my story into this.

Finding out you are bisexual and all the signs that show are what really gets to you. I asked my friend when he started liking guys & girls.
He stated word for word “I had thoughts my whole life but I didn’t actually know until I was thirteen and was looking at guys the same way I was looking at girls.”

This I couldn’t believe because he didn’t come out and tell me until last year (2013). So I had to ask him, who did he first tell and he said me. So now I had to ask the hardest question which I didn’t want to ask but had to. The question was, when did you tell your parents and how did they react?

“I told them in an argument and my dad started yelling at me saying, get out of my house! You are not my son and if anyone ask where you are, I am saying you are dead.”

That story sounded harsh right? Well let me tell you my story of telling my mom and step dad. At first I was wondering what it was like to date a girl since 6th grade and then last year in 8th grade I came out and told my mom. My mom doesn’t believe in the whole bisexual stuff and at first she said I wasn’t and that I was confused. Later on in this time she accepted who I was and everything. All she said was that they would be treated like my boyfriends.

“If you date a girl then they won’t be able to be in your room or stay the night or you can’t go to their house.” She quoted.
So yes, I have dated two girls before but kept them both from my mom. My bio dad really doesn’t care as long as I am happy.
My step dad is a different story. He didn’t take it so well. He gets mad about my screen about love has no limits.
“It was meant to be men and women. Not men and men or women and women.” He says.

I honestly don’t care and my family still loves me for me and doesn’t judge me on anything that involves me and the same sex. It’s my life right? I don’t get bullied for it. If I do, so what?

I am not meant to be like the others. I am meant to be me.

The author's comments:
I wrote this because me and my ex boyfriend are both bisexual and I wanted to share how the topic is the same but the stories are different.

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