Pit bulls: Scary beasts or misunderstood? | Teen Ink

Pit bulls: Scary beasts or misunderstood?

January 17, 2014
By CoLeTP5 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
CoLeTP5 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Pitbulls: Scary beasts or misunderstood?

Who would be crazy enough to buy or love a pitbull? Many people think that they are mean, violent, and bad dogs to have around a family, but this is a common misconception. In my opinion, Pitbulls are just like any other dog except for some reason they have gotten a mean reputation, and it still haunts them to this day. Yes, they look bigger because of their muscles in their body; however, that doesn't make them monsters that stalk and prey on the living. Their main goal in life is not to bring terror down on humans. I believe they are just like any other bone chewing, soft ear, slobberpuss dog, and thats wants love.
The breed of pitbull’s are often feared and people have misleading thoughts about the breed and their actions and behavior. It is a proven fact that pit bulls have the same temperament as any other dog breed today. They are actually not as aggressive as the common German Shepard or the Rottweiler. Pit bulls are often linked to dog fights and being a fighting type of breed, truth of the matter not all pit bulls are in dog fights or bite people every time they get in it’s way. They are genuinely a kind and loving type of dog who loves it’s family very much. Now, if a person does use a Pitbull for dog fighting, you can’t blame the dog for the situation it gets throw into. Any dog’s normal reaction would be to defend itself and fight back. If attacked, a Pitbull will fight until death, now, does that mean that it will fight all of it;s life until death? No, that means that if conflict is started and a pit bull is under attack or feels nervous, he will retaliate and he will not give up until he can no longer fight for himself or whatever he is fighting for. This fact does not make the Pitbull breed brutal killers. Pitbulls are just very territorial and protective of it’s owners, as are many other breeds of dogs. I find this quality to be loyal and caring.Pitbulls love their owners and want to protect them at all costs. Despite the common claims that pit bulls do not get along with other dogs, so they should not be around them, is absolutely false. Through research this breed is proven to play and interact well with different types of dogs and animals as long as it is socialized. To conclude, misleading claims and thoughts about Pitbulls must be thrown out. The pitbull is just like any other dog and I want everyone to know and respect that.
The training is where the dog adapts skills and lessons that he will incorporate in to the rest of his life. The person in charge of the temperament of a dog, especially a Pitbull, is the owner. Your dog will behave the way it is trained to behave and that is why the Pitbull has the bad rep. Owners often misuse the Pitbulls natural defensive and protective quality for evil. If a dog is trained to be violent, then that’s how they will be for the rest of their life until trained or taught otherwise. Pitbulls are very good listeners and are very smart dogs, which means they pick up on instructions quickly. When a Pitbull is trained for fighting and does in fact actually fight, it’s not the dogs fault that they think their doing on what they have been trained to do. The listening skills and protective nature put the dog and people in harms way because of the training. Pitbulls aren’t born mean. If a Pitbull has a wholesome instructor, this breed will not be aggressive, on the other hand, a troubled instructor can doom the life of this breed with bad training. All in all, attention needs to be given to the training of Pitbulls. Dogs follow and respect their owners. Don’t take the hate out on the breed, but instead remember who trained them and who is around them everyday. Just like children, a dog’s behavior and decisions will reflect the owners.
All in all, Pitbulls are just like any other dog, and they follow their master’s behaviors and actions. They are not scary beasts, but normal dogs with a bad reputation who wants to be loved. Families in search of a fun loving, friendly dog should not rule out the Pitbull breed. Just like they say, “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover,” no one should judge a Pitbull by the negative press they are given.

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece of writing to shine some light on the breed and the false accusations that the breed has came to be known for.

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on Dec. 6 2021 at 5:24 pm
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