Barbie: A Bad Role Model? | Teen Ink

Barbie: A Bad Role Model?

May 13, 2014
By Anonymous

i've searched all over, newspapers,news,articles. They all say that barbie is a bad role model for kids. Your kids age 5-11 might play with barbies, they play with them all the time brush there hair, put there clothes on, everything. Now this is my opion but i think barbie should be burned because my reasons are that first, barbie would be 110 lbs all the time, in barbie sleep over kit there was a wheighter that was permenty set on 110 lbs, barbie also had magizens that said how to loes wieght NOT TO EAT this made kids want to be as skinny as barbie. If you want to hear more please check out the next article about BARBIE GOOD OR BAD.

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