Stop Labeling Us! | Teen Ink

Stop Labeling Us!

January 4, 2015
By Cfulle SILVER, High Point, North Carolina
Cfulle SILVER, High Point, North Carolina
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I intend to leave this world so broken that it takes a thousand heavens for my shattered pieces."

School is a scary thing, yeah. I know. It feels this way for everyone no matter how much of a smile we wear or a group of people we surround ourselves with. You see whether you accept it or not every school has it's cliches or in writers terms the archetypes. If you don't know what this means it's when people at your school form little groups to exclude you from them. The difference between the cliches vary sometimes your grouped by race, size, height,  sexual orientation, gender, or even something as opinionated as your looks. I can't  lie and say it's never happened to me. The only thing I can say is PROVE THEM WRONG. No matter your Race, size,height  ect. you can talk to anyone you please. Sit where you want to. Speak your mind. Most importantly be yourself and figure out who you are.

The author's comments:

This came from my heart knowing what goes on in the halls of other schools where there is nothing I can do.

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