Just Be You! | Teen Ink

Just Be You!

March 5, 2016
By bandgeek23 GOLD, Corry, Pennsylvania
bandgeek23 GOLD, Corry, Pennsylvania
10 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
A true friend is someone who is there for you when he'd rather be anywhere else!

Sometimes in this world there's hate towards one another. People often don't like others based on their appearances. The ones who are ridiculed feel like their not worth anything. They can feel insecure about themselves and start to compare themselves to other people. They may also feel like they don't belong any where beacuse of the hate that they recieve. It's sad to see all this hate around us and people agreeing with the people to torment others based on their looks.

I don't understand why people are so crule towards one another. Everyone is different and beautiful in their own way. Being different means that you are being yourself and not caring what others think of you. There are so many people out there that judge people on what they look like and even what their interests are. That shouldn't happen!

Why can't we accept people for who they are? Why can't we stop being crule to people that aren't like us or enjoy the same things that we do? Why is fitting in and being accepted so important to us? Why do we vaule people's opinions about us so highly? Why can't we embrace people for who they are?

It's because society has showed us that there is a specific way to look and act. We often want to be like those famous movie stars and modles that we see on T.V. and in magazines. We want to look like them so we'll be accepted in society.

It's sad to see so many people wanting to be like someone else other than themselves. It's the idea of being perfect, young, having wealth, and so many more things. But why would we want something else than what we already have? Why can't we accept who we are and not want to change ourselves to impress anyone?

Everyone is judged everyday according to our status, wealth, and our apperances. Society has shaped us to want to be like others instead of oursleves. It shouldn't be like that, no one is perfect. We all have our own flaws and strengths. It's our uniqueness that makes us different from everyone else, and I think that's pretty awesome!

Try not to allow anyone to degrade you, put you down, or make you feel less of yourslef! You are amazing just the way you are and you shouldn't want to be like anyone else. It's our differences that make us unique and beautiful!

Don't let society change the way you see the world and especially yourself! Remember that you are important, loved, and beautful no matter what! Just be you:)

The author's comments:

Always be yourself! Never change just because people don't like you for who you are! I think your amazing just the way you are:)


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