Puppy Mills | Teen Ink

Puppy Mills

March 9, 2016
By Anonymous

The greatness of a nation and it’s moral progress can be judged on the way it’s animals are treated.   ~Mohandas Gandhi


Think for a minute and imagine one of your dearest pets, one of your best friends. A pet that is a part of your family and main part in life no matter what. A dog that you care for and give so much love to everyday. Instead of that they get no comfy beds or blankets, no dog treats, no running around the yard playing in the grass, no laying in the sun, no long walks, no love, no scratching behind the ears saying “good boy”, no care in the world for their well being. Instead living a life in a puppy factory, you may think they look cute on flyers or pamphlets, but I am here to tell you the truth. Given these points, profit is a larger priority then the well being and life of these dogs and puppies at a puppy mill.

In a puppy mill, dogs are often kept in cages with wire flooring that injures their paws and legs, and it is not unusual for cages to be stacked on top of each other in long rows filled with dogs too big for their cages. When female dogs reach a point where they can no longer have any more puppies, they are often killed. Infact, most puppies found in mills are found with bleedings paws, ticks, heart diseases, ear and eye problems, blood disorders and so many more horrible things come with them as they leave the puppy mill. What if that dog was your dog? Would you want it to be kept in a puppy prison, forced to reproduce, then killed.

A day in the life of a puppy mill dog is spending every minute of every day in a small, filthy wired cage stacked on dozens of other cages, they live on their own urine and feces, they shiver in the cold with no protection from winter rain, wind, or snow. There is little to no food or drinking water and many animals have to suffer from starvation and dehydration.

Puppy mills are everywhere in the world, but the most of them are located in the United States of America and mostly in the midwest. Thousands and thousands of dogs are being bred just for money, they are of valued for their love or their companionship for others, but only for breeding and the cash they come with.

This is why I think puppy mills everywhere should be banned, and they are only hurting our animals. Puppy mills are very cruel to all dogs and think again if that was your dog. More than half the United States are taking a stand to illegalize puppy mills and so should you. Plus you will find so many amazing pets that could easily become your best friend at your local shelters and rescues just waiting for you to give them a loving home. You’ll get a great pet and you will truly save a life in the process and you won’t regret anything!

The author's comments:

Puppy mills are so cruel to the animals they keep in them and I strongly believe they should no longer be legal.

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